E3 2013 | Missed the E3 Nintendo Direct? Catch it Now!

By Adam Riley 11.06.2013 5

E3 2013 | Missed the E3 Nintendo Direct? Catch it Now! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Many people had trouble watching the live feed that Nintendo just aired, but thankfully the company has quickly uploaded the show directly to YouTube for those that want to see all the fantastic revelations made throughout the ~40 minute presentation that Satoru Iwata made.

Check out the video below and stick with Cubed3 for updates on all the games shown and much more.

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I hate to be negative, but I found it very disappointing. Wind Waker is all well and good, but I wanted to see a new Zelda game. Also I did not like the new Mario game. It lacked creativity and looked way too linear. I don't want Mario 3D Land in HD (which is essentially what it looks like). At least they showed Super Smash Bros. Unfortunately for me, I'm not a huge fan of that franchise. :-(

( Edited 11.06.2013 16:02 by Trepe )

What about X from Monolith Soft? And Bayonetta 2?

Reiji said:
What about X from Monolith Soft? And Bayonetta 2?

X did look exciting & Bayonetta looked good, but they are not being released until sometime in 2014. They are most likely way off release.  Donkey Kong looked good and I look forward to that, but Nintendo didn't show first party games that really got me excited. I was disappointed not to see more big franchises and I was disappointed with the new Mario game (although I'm sure it'll be fun). 

While I'm being negative about it I still did find a lot of good in the broadcast. I was just a little disappointed and Nintendo didn't quite deliver what I was hoping for.

( Edited 11.06.2013 16:55 by Trepe )

  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 still looks like the best game on show by far, just hoping it's not an MMO.
  • Megaman as the new Smash Bros character, is just a bit dull.
  • 4 player 3D Mario could be cool, just wondering how the camera will work.
  • Disappointed in the lack of F-Zero/Metroid/Starfox news

E3 conferences bring big announcements just once a year.

Nintendo Directs can bring big announcements anytime.

If there was something you wished had been announced, you won't have to wait another year for it to maybe be announced. It could be announced any day/week/month before then.

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