E3 2013 | Super Mario 3D World Announced for Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2013 11

E3 2013 | Super Mario 3D World Announced for Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During Nintendo Direct today Nintendo president Satoru Iwata confirmed the brand new HD Super Mario 3D game.

Entitled Super Mario 3D World, the upcoming title will include support for four player multiplayer, unique character abilities all set within a vibrant and familiar Nintendo World. Princess Peach can once again float briefly, toad has a slightly different jump and Luigi brings his long legs to the platforming table.

Super Mario 3D World will be available this December on Nintendo Wii U.

Image for E3 2013 | Super Mario 3D World Announced for Nintendo Wii U
Image for E3 2013 | Super Mario 3D World Announced for Nintendo Wii U
Image for E3 2013 | Super Mario 3D World Announced for Nintendo Wii U

What do you think of the Super Mario 3D World concept?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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This was extremely dissapointing, I wanted a true 3D Mario like Sunshine or 64, but what we got instead was a linear game, where we can't roam free. Fucking dissapointing.

I am so disappointed with this announcement. It looks like Super Mario 3D Land (which is the last thing I wanted). 

Todd (guest) 11.06.2013#3

nott exactly what i was expecting for the big 3d mario game. especially since its the first in hd... did nintendo forget how much we all loved 64, sunshine, and galaxy?

Meeehh....don't really like the title, hope Yoshi is playable in this one too though.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Its obviously the quickest way for nintendo to make games...by taking their pre-existing ones and glossing them over with hd visuals. I see what theyre doing but id rather have a BRAND new 3D mario. Sigh. Theyre doin the SAME thing with Donkey Kong. Are ninty getting ...lazy? Or just desperate enough that theyre just tryin to get more games to market quicker? Hope this doesnt bite them in their arse.

JudgeMethos said:
Its obviously the quickest way for nintendo to make games...by taking their pre-existing ones and glossing them over with hd visuals. I see what theyre doing but id rather have a BRAND new 3D mario. Sigh. Theyre doin the SAME thing with Donkey Kong. Are ninty getting ...lazy? Or just desperate enough that theyre just tryin to get more games to market quicker? Hope this doesnt bite them in their arse.
This IS a brand new 3D Mario. It just takes inspiration from Super Mario 3D Land. I'm pretty sure all the levels and content is new, plus it has 4 player co-op with characters that have different abilities.

Bucky (guest) 11.06.2013#7

I am excited for this and Sonic Lost World. Both look like a lot of fun.

I'm liking how its taking inspiration from Mario Bros 2. How will 4 player work, when it comes to the camera?

The 2D Mario's became uninspired "NEW" games and now it looks like the 3D titles are gonna become uninspired "3D" games. Smilie

Will we ever have another Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy? Probably not now. Smilie

As fun as 3D World looks, it just screams "basic" to me.

I couldn't have put it better than Ifrit.

It makes me sad when we got 3D Mario games like Galaxy that did something so fresh and different for the franchise and now they do a U-turn and make a standard generic Mario game. The 3D Mario's really are becoming like the "NEW" series now.

This was my biggest disappointment of Nintendo Direct.

I felt wary about this when they first showed it, but after watching the developer interview I came away very impressed:


Have a gander, it's good stuff Smilie I know it does look like a generic world, but the little touches in there make it seem interesting. I can see why they're doing this though, as Galaxy unfortunately didn't perform near as well as NSMB - so this I gues is middle ground between the two.

Multiplayer I'm sure will be a hoot! Hoping for online but very much doubt it Smilie

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