E3 2013 | E3 Watch Dogs Exposed CG Wii U Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2013 3

E3 2013 | E3 Watch Dogs Exposed CG Wii U Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Can you hack a city? Ubisoft have posted the E3 trailer for the eagerly anticipated open word epic, Watch Dogs.

In the footage, we see protagonist Aiden Pearce poke about the bustling city in a bid to bring down a human trafficing ring with the leader in mind. Queue sleuthy mobile hacking, breaking into the groups headquarters whilst evading the authorities. Truly gripping stuff.

Watch Dogs is due out on multiple platforms, including Nintendo Wii U, later this year.


What do you think of Ubisoft's Watch Dogs so far?

Box art for Watch Dogs

Ubisoft Bucharest







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Laurelin (guest) 11.06.2013#1

Great game for WiiU, thanks Ubisoft.
Morally dubious, thou. Arbitrary law, sneeking into everyone's life (but our hero simply uses the network of the city, that does it all the time), seeing a shot in the leg as an act of mercy...
Easy solving of complex problems. But it's looking good and seems like great gameplay mechanics.

Glad it comes for WiiU!

Ubisoft has to be commended for sticking with the WiiU and bringing so many games to the platform. I'm really looking forward to this game and really hope it's a strong seller on the WiiU. Lets face it, it hasn't got a lot of competition. 

annonymus (guest) 26.06.2013#3

wow i cant wait to get it 

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