E3 2013 | Nintendo Wii U and 3DS E3 Hype Teaser Trailer and Predictions

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.06.2013 4

E3 2013 | Nintendo Wii U and 3DS E3 Hype Teaser Trailer and Predictions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With E3 under 48 hours away, there's huge buzz into the what Nintendo are expected to show during this year's conference.

To tease and build a little excitement on what's to come from Nintendo, we've pieced together a montage of big names and games that will be shown during Nintendo Direct on Tuesday - plus a handful of titles we're hoping will make the cut.

Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Pikmin 3, Super Luigi U and a brand new 3D Mario game are just some of the major franchises to be discussed by Nintendo at E3. Games shown like F-Zero and 1080 Snowboarding are titles we're hoping will be announced, but of course may never come to Wii U or 3DS - fingers crossed!

The  footage uses pre-existing trailers and GameCube/Wii footage.


Be sure to stick with Cubed3 for all your E3 Nintendo Wii U and 3DS updates.

What are you hoping Nintendo will reveal during this year's E3 Expo?

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DarkPheonix117 (guest) 11.06.2013#1


Inkeyis (guest) 11.06.2013#2

How dare you forget pokemon x and y

Jared (guest) 11.06.2013#3

Sure was a lot of gamecube footage in there...lol

Jared (guest) said:
Sure was a lot of gamecube footage in there...lol

Don't have access to the Wii U versions' footage yet Smilie

Inkeyis (guest) said:
How dare you forget pokemon x and y

Um...! X & Y are just too good  for this trailer Smilie

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