New Pokémon X and Y Monsters to be Revealed June 16th

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.06.2013 1

New Pokémon X and Y Monsters to be Revealed June 16th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Set your calendars folks, as Nintendo will be revealing a new Pokémon and feature director Junichi Masuda. has confirmed that the forthcoming episode of Japanese TV show Pokémon Smash, airing on Sunday June 16th, will feature the reveal of brand new monsters and include juicy post-E3 details on the much anticipated Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.

Due out worldwide on the Nintendo 3DS this October, both titles will include a range of new Pokémon, stunning 3D graphics plus new gameplay refinements for inspiring trainers to catch, train and battle away.

What Pokémon are you hoping to see next week - any evolutions of the current crop?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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LoganIsThePokeMaster (guest) 10.06.2013#1

i personally want to see an evolutionary family of lapras and/or tropius

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