Impressive Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii Fan Mod Adds 130 Levels, Enemies, Bosses

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.06.2013 12

Impressive Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii Fan Mod Adds 130 Levels, Enemies, Bosses on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A group of dedicated fans have made an unofficial sequel to New Super Mario Bros. Wii with over 130 new levels.

Instead of simply modding the existing game, the fan team at Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii decided to revamp the entire Wii original with a new ground-up map system, eight major worlds and 18 themed areas plus over 150 new tile-sets.

As well as the game world itself, the group included more than 35 new music tracks, remixed songs plus more than 15 new enemies and bosses for each world.

The fan-mod is available to download from the official project website and compatible with all homebrew-enabled Wii consoles.


What are your thoughts on the fan project Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii?

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. Wii





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The potential of an official Mario Bros level editor is huge. Would be a great tool to have on WiiU with the gamepad. LittleBigPlanet style tools would be great too. Smilie

Very impressive for a fan project but it doesn't surprise me what people can do seeing as games like brawl and mario kart wii get hacked so much as well! An editor for NSMBU would've been amazing, same with Mario Kart U Smilie

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sgotsch (guest) 08.06.2013#3

Wow, look at that trailer! O.O Didnt espect Homebrew to be so polished. I'm definately going to check it out, as soon as I've got more time. Thanks for sharing.

This would hypothetically work on the Dolphin emulator, right?

( Edited 08.06.2013 19:16 by Canyarion )

Canyarion said:
This woult hypothetically work on the Dolphin emulator, right?

I *think* so, am not 100% sure - can dolph run homebrew channel? Am going to try give this a go tonight Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

Will certainly try it out myself Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Jua Diaz (guest) 25.06.2013#7

I thought Modding your wii counsel was Illegal under the DMCA? Does Nintendo support this type of Add-On?

MS1000 (guest) 02.08.2013#8

No, the Newer Team does not support piracy. You need to have a retail disc to play Newer.

Justin (guest) 22.09.2013#9

I have it running in Dolphin. So yes, it works.


Our member of the week

Canyarion said:

Sneaky little hackers succeded in applying the patch to an iso of the game, so the "Newer SMB" iso floats on the internet now.

Run that iso in Dolphin and presto!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer


Anyway, when I discovered you can soft-mod your Wii to play this, I gave it a go. Pretty good game, I would have believed it if somebody would have shown these levels and said Nintendo created them.

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