E3 2013 | Unexpected Elements Expected for New Zelda 3DS and Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2013 5

E3 2013 | Unexpected Elements Expected for New Zelda 3DS and Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Legend of Zelda team are hard at working pondering how to shake up the series with surprises in store for series fans.

Fans have been urging Nintendo to try to explore new gameplay ideas with the series, and whilst Skyward Sword did to a degree, Nintendo have admitted in the past that there is still a lot of room to explore more new ideas.

Speaking to the Official Nintendo Magazine, producer Eiji Aonuma highlighted how the new 3DS game, tentatively titled A Link to the Past 2, will "play very differently to the original" with the "new additions [making] players see the game in a different way".

That's not all, as Aonuma also noted how "more unexpected elements" will be brought to the currently untitled Wii U Legend of Zelda game.

In the meantime, the team are prepping an HD remake of The Wind Waker for release on Wii U this fall.

What conventions do you wish Nintendo would change in a new Legend of Zelda game?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





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I just want lots of big,open, exploration.
They seem to have been doing that less and less Smilie

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Guest (guest) 10.06.2013#2

You know what I really want to see? I want to play as Zelda. I am a guy, I am a gamer, but I also am tired of this 'damsel in distress' thing in video games. It's kind of sexist. And Zelda could totally kick ass. I think Zelda was at her peak as Shiek, and she's my go-to character in Smash Bros. THAT would certainly stir up the game for me, and frankly, I think it would go over really well with gamers.

Zelda hasnt actualy been a damsel in awhile though, thats thats a sort of outdated acusation. And changing a character isnt really changing a game in itself.

As for the rest, sure, go with the concepts here:
Allthough the bow should be her primary weapon.

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For the Zelda series I would like to see a return to traditional dungeon exploration, and equipment upgrade expansion as in past Zelda's (A Link to the Past as example). However, the problem with Link to the Past was that you could get lost in story progression and not remember where you left off. So an additional system in place that keeps track of where you are in the story. Also, each boss should have a nice cinematic scene along with a great cinematic closing for their defeat. I would like to see detailed environments, and great use of the WiiU engine. Finally, I would like to be able to use the WiiU Pro Controller AND the touch screen at the same time! The touch screen for map, and equipment management, the pro motion controller for battle and character control. More games should do this!

???????? (guest) 11.06.2013#5

i hate link to the past the storyline sucked... as for new wii u zelda hope its like twilight princess

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