Rumour: Nintendo Wii U Basic Being Recalled?

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2013 3

Rumour: Nintendo Wii U Basic Being Recalled? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RUMOUR: Reports suggest that the Basic 8GB Wii U console may be recalled shortly after E3, according to retailer sources.

Speaking to Kotaku and an additional source on NeoGAF, Nintendo are letting retailers know that the White Wii U will no longer be sold and must be returned to Nintendo.

Reasons for the recall are uncertain, but it's likely to potentially pave the way for new Wii U bundles, possibly scrapping the Basic edition all-together. The hardware itself could simply be retooled for the bigger capacity hard-drive and boxed as a Premium White edition given the impending release of a White Premium bundle in Japan.

Nintendo America decline to comment on "business practices with retailers".

What are your thoughts on the recall - could Nintendo be aiming towards a Premium-only Wii U?

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So, by "recalled," does that mean that owners of the white Wii U are going to be retrofitted with a larger internal hard drive or a refund?  I mean, it was kind of a lousy deal, to begin with - my computer in the early 00s had more hard drive space than that.

Marcus J. Hopkins said:
So, by "recalled," does that mean that owners of the white Wii U are going to be retrofitted with a larger internal hard drive or a refund?  I mean, it was kind of a lousy deal, to begin with - my computer in the early 00s had more hard drive space than that.

No, why would there be a need to. Its not like the console was faulty or was advertised to have a bigger harddrive.

if people wanted the extra hard drive space they would have got the premium to begin with. It also works out cheaper to get the basic and an external hard drive. 

JayUK said:
Marcus J. Hopkins said:
So, by "recalled," does that mean that owners of the white Wii U are going to be retrofitted with a larger internal hard drive or a refund?  I mean, it was kind of a lousy deal, to begin with - my computer in the early 00s had more hard drive space than that.

No, why would there be a need to. Its not like the console was faulty or was advertised to have a bigger harddrive.

if people wanted the extra hard drive space they would have got the premium to begin with. It also works out cheaper to get the basic and an external hard drive. 

Agreed. Why would you ever get a refund? You paid less for less storage.
If you thought it was a lousy deal then you should have gotten the premium model.

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