Grab Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3DS from a Friend for Free

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2013 14

Grab Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3DS from a Friend for Free on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have launched an top notch campaign for friends to recruit newcomers to the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate experience on 3DS.

Those who own a 3DS but have yet to tackle the critically acclaimed adventure series can grab a free download of the game if recommended by a friend. Those who own the game already should register their copy on Club Nintendo before 22:59 on 30th June to receive a recommendation code. This code can be given to a friend who owns and registers their 3DS or 3DS XL between 23:01 on 3rd June and 22:59 on 31st July 2013.

The code must then be registered by 22:59 on 5th August 2013 for a free download copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on 3DS.Will you recommend a friend to join in the Monster Hunter 3 experience?

Box art for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 3G









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This sounds too good to be true!
Too bad I have no friends. Smilie

hi dude if you haven't a friend to give this code you could give that code to me it would be nice because here where i live i can't buy the psychical or the digital copy of this game i would appreciate this very much between im a pokemon fan to

Our member of the week

From what I understand, giving the recommandation code to a friend doesn't guarantee that he will get the game for free, but rather that your friend will be entitled to enter a draw, to hopefully get a download code for the game. That's how i understood it from the email I got from Nintendo tonight.

Are you sure you got that right jorge?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Weird, this is the press release I got earlier from NUK - I think everyone will get a free d/l providing they meet the requirements:

If your friend registers a Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 3DS XL system between 23:01 (UK time) on 3rd June and 22:59 (UK time) on 31st July 2013, and enters the Recommendation Code before 22:59 (UK time) on 5th August 2013, he/she will be eligible to receive a free Download Code for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

The press release I got in French seemed to imply there would be a draw, but you're right , it doesn't seem to lean that way in the UK one. Perhaps our region will only get a limited amount of download codes then, haha

EDIT: Nevermind, after reading more details in their "terms and conditions" section, it seems every friend who submits a recommendation code will receive a download code in return. The choice of words in the newsletter was weird though XD.

( Edited 03.06.2013 22:48 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Does that mean you literally have to donate it to someone who is only registering their 3DS/3DS XL now? What happens if you have already registered a 3DS/3DS XL, is it possible to be eligible to recieve?

xerox said:
where i live i can't buy the psychical or the digital copy of this game

If you can't get the game digitally, then how do you expect to get a copy if someone recommends you?

Our member of the week

Sonic_13 said:
xerox said:
where i live i can't buy the psychical or the digital copy of this game

If you can't get the game digitally, then how do you expect to get a copy if someone recommends you?

I think what he meant is he can't have access to any digital content because he can't pay on the eShop. In some countries, Nintendo doesn't sell eShop cards at all, so for those kids willing to purchase any digital content, they simply can't since the only other payment method is a credit card, which minors can't own, and which some parents won't let their kids use either. So if no stores in your area has a physical copy for sale, and they don't sell eShop cards either, then some people, like Xerox here, are screwed.

Until recently I didn't have a credit card either, so I couldn't buy anything off the eShop either, so I can understand our friend's situation here.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
JayEl (guest) 04.06.2013#9

Yeah, was wondering the same... it specifically says you have to register the 3DS(XL) between 23:01 on 3rd June and 22:59 on 31st July 2013.

Guys - I've checked with Nintendo UK - yep, it has to be registered between those weird times - so if your friend has registered their 3DS/XL previously, no game I'm afraid.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo really dosnt want me to have any of their promotions. I've pretty much missed every free full game offer from either not owning the right games or buying and registering a 3ds too quick. Wheres the love for the faithful?!

Hey guys. I registered my  3ds xl on 13.06.2013. So I can get one these game codes?
Can anybody give me a key? That would be great

i am happy i reg on the correct time and got the code.yuppy Smilie

William W (guest) 21.06.2013#14

If anyone has a code to give me I will write you or poem, or a song or film a dance for you... something like that anyways...

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