E3 2013 | Nintendo Launch Official E3 2013 Webpage

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.06.2013 7

E3 2013 | Nintendo Launch Official E3 2013 Webpage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America has launched the official E3 page for fans to tune into the latest Wii U and 3DS developments.

It's a massively exciting time to be a Nintendo fan, with a whole assortment of big name franchises expected at this year's Expo. The likes of Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. and Pikmin 3 are among the key names due to be revealed to the press and fans.

There'll be a specific Nintendo Direct stream taking place on June 11th, showcasing the latest games.

Silhouettes also grace the official Nintendo E3 site, all familiar characters due to appear at E3.

What are you hoping Nintendo will bring to the Wii U and 3DS table this year?

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"Launched" is maybe not the rigth term. "Updated" would be better. e3.nintendo.com has been used for years now! Smilie

Looking forward to it! It's coming so fast! Last years I was counting down the days, but I hadn't even started that this year.

( Edited 01.06.2013 08:07 by Canyarion )

It's definitely creeping up pretty quickly, man I'm so hyped for this years e3! It's easily going to be better then last years Smilie

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So we know that only 4 games are going to be playable in Best Buy stores accross the US during E3 then. I wonder which 4 they will be Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Bucky (guest) 04.06.2013#4

Smash, Kart, Mario, Zelda?

No Smash, it's way too soon.

Maybe that new game by Monolith, X? Or whatever Retro Studios has up its sleeve?

I would guess 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Pikmin 3, and Wonderful 101 as the playable games, though I would love it if all four were previously unseen games.

Laurelin (guest) 07.06.2013#7

Sonic_13 said:
I would guess 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Pikmin 3, and Wonderful 101 as the playable games, though I would love it if all four were previously unseen games.

Good guess, I think so, too!
X is way too soon. An RPG needs a lot of time until something is presentable and looking good, havings some substance under it's roof to convince someone. But it's a pity, I'm so looking to X, since I'm an RPG-fan.

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