Nintendo Adding Wii U Pro Controller Support to New Super Mario Bros

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.06.2013 2

Nintendo Adding Wii U Pro Controller Support to New Super Mario Bros on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Within the new footage of New Super Luigi U in action came word of a new patch that will add new features to New Super Mario Bros U.

Despite only needing three buttons and a D-Pad for the New Super Mario Bros. games, there have been some players who don't find the Wii Remote comfortable to hold side on - or just simply don't have enough controllers for multiplayer.

Nintendo are aiming to address with with a patch that's due around the release of New Super Luigi U that will add Wii U Pro Controller support for both titles.

Also, the patch will allow players to purchase New Super Luigi U through the game itself rather than via the Wii U eShop.

Will you prefer playing 2D Mario using a Wii U Pro Controller instead of a Wii U remote?

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



C3 Score

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Can't see why this wasn't supported day 1. Was frustrating to attempt 2 player only to find that the PRO controller didn't work and having to dig out a Wii Remote. Not only that, player 1 couldn't simply play along with the gamepad (properly and not in tap mode) and instead had to find another Wii Remote to use. :/

What's that, an upgrade to 1080p? Awesome!


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