Animal Crossing: Still Europe bound?

By James Temperton 14.02.2003 1

In the latest edition of CUBE magazine Marko Hein, European Product Manager for Nintendo Europe made some interesting comments.

CUBE: We noticed that Animal Crossing still hasn no release date in Europe despite that fact that it had done well in the US and Japan. Can you tell us why this is?

MH: We have not yet confirmed our plans for the launch of Animal Crossing in Europe. However, Animal Crossing is a very complex game which is extreamly text heavy. Because Europe does not deal with one langauge localisation takes a great deal of manpower and time, therefore we are currently evaluating how feasible it is to launch this game in the European market. We will make an announcement about Animal Crossing later in the year.

Obviously many gamers have gone for the import option and so this news may not apply to you, however, if any more information arrises we will be the first to let you know.

[Source: CUBE Magazine]

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