E3 2013 | Ubisoft Detail Plans for E3 Including Rayman, South Park and Watch Dogs

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.05.2013

E3 2013 | Ubisoft Detail Plans for E3 Including Rayman, South Park and Watch Dogs on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft have detailed plans for this year's E3 Expo, with just under two weeks to go.

There'll be a media briefing from the publisher on June 10th as a first glimpse at the Ubisoft line-up, plus a dedicated booth with various titles including Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Rayman Legends, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist and Watch Dogs.

We have many incredible games in development, and we're especially excited to share more on our next-gen titles, which will deliver more connected, immersive and interactive experiences to our fans.

In addition to the company's presence at E3, there'll be a Uplay lounge near the LA Convention Center to give Uplay members a chance to experience the Ubisoft E3 line-up and discuss these games with Ubisoft's development teams.

Finally, there'll be a live stream of Ubisoft's media briefing on June 10th.

Will you be tuning into the Ubisoft E3 experience this year?

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