Capcom Talks Western Ace Attorney Localisation, Investigations 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.05.2013 2

Capcom Talks Western Ace Attorney Localisation, Investigations 2 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom USA's Senior VP, Christian Svensson was recently quizzed on all things Ace Attorney including Investigations 2.

The main issue with the Ace Attorney franchise and spin-offs are sales. For Capcom, localisation depends very much on the performance of previous entries and whether the company can justify taking a risk.

"If fans really love the series and want to play the game in English, we're expecting them to be there," Svensson said in the Capcom Unity forums this week.

With Ace Attorney 5 being localised for an eShop only release, could it guarantee future games plus Ace Attorney Investigations 2 a digital release? Thw answer in short is " there are no assurances I can make", confirms Svensson. "I get to put up forecasts for what I think we can plausibly sell and the producer has to see if there's localization and dev resources available, costs need to be evaluated and we have to see if it makes sense."

Capcom USA haven't forgotten about Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - it was prevented a Western release because of poor sales of the first game. However "If AA5 hits its forecast, we'll have a different data point to show from a different distribution mechanism. At minimum, there will be  info to evaluate, one way or the other after AA5."

What are your thoughts on Ace Attorney localisation - would you buy a localised Ace Attorney Investigations 2?

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies








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Everyone, yes even you. Yes, that's right, no-one else is in the room, I'm talking to you. Buy Ace Attorney 5 when it comes out!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The comments on GoNintendo about this are simply frustrating, no one seems to realise that Capcom Unity can't just localise any game they want, they need Capcom Japan's permission and source code.

We're lucky to be getting this game at all, so if you've ever been a fan of the series it'd be great if you could buy it.

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