Pokémon Conquest Sequel Teased

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2013

Pokémon Conquest Sequel Teased on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tecmo Koei's Hisashi Koinuma recently answered a fan request on whether or not there would be a sequel to Pokémon Conquest.

According to Japanese website Inside-Games (translation via Siliconera), the new Executive Vice President of Tecmo Koei teased that "there was a lot of unfinished material for Pokémon Conquest..." when quizzed by a fan of the cross-over on Twitter.

Pokémon Conquest, a collaboration between Pokémon and the Nobunaga's Ambition franchise had been in-development by the studio for well over three years, finally hitting retail shortly after the Nintendo 3DS was released.

Following on from Koinuma's Twitter tease, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company, Tsunekazu Ishihara expressed that he wouldn't rule out a sequel as long as there's enough demand from fans.

So - have you tapped into Pokémon Conquest yet? Would you like to see a sequel?

Box art for Pokémon Conquest

Tecmo Koei







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