What is Glass to the Wall?
The Cubed3 Nintendo Podcast has a new look, name, and location! Glass to the Wall focuses on all aspects of the gaming industry and is aired online each week. Yes, that's right! No longer limited to just being right here, listeners can tune into Turquoise Radio every Thursday at 11pm GMT / 6pm EST or just catch the repeat show on Sundays 4am GMT / Saturdays 11pm EST.Can I download the episodes?
Yes, of course! A week after the repeat show has aired on Turquoise Radio, readers will be able to come right here and download or stream the show.What was in Glass to the Wall - Episode 04, though?
Well, since you asked so nicely, here is a brief breakdown:00:01:01-00:02:11 - Host Adam Riley introduces this special show that focuses on the 20th anniversary of the Star Fox series
00:02:40-00:05:39 - Introductions from Jorge, Susan, Rudy, Aaron, and former podcast host, Ross Marrs!
00:05:53-00:12:32 - Thoughts on when the first game came out, Starwing on the SNES in Europe, when people first got it, and the impact of the Super FX chip
00:12:45-00:16:00 - Discussion about the unreleased Star Fox 2 on the SNES, what it could have been, elements re-used in future Star Fox titles.
00:16:17-00:20:18 - Was Lylat Wars a revolutionary step and is it still the pinnacle of the series so far? How important was the Rumble Pak? Multiplayer was perhaps an overlooked aspect by some
00:20:45-00:24:13 - Renting out of the series - good idea or bad? Star Fox Adventures - would Dinosaur Planet have been better without the Star Fox brand?
00:24:26-00:26:40 - Star Fox Assault, a hit or a miss? What went wrong with Namco Bandai's take on Fox McCloud's antics? Should Fox stick to his ship in every game?
00:26:40-00:28:00 - Crying with tears in his head, talking about marmite and cheese; Ross brings his unique edge to the discussion!
00:28:53-00:32:36 - Q-Games, headed up by former Argonaut developer Dylan Cuthbert - did the team bring Star Fox Command back to the series' roots? Elements of Star Fox 2 included. Did the touch screen path drawing work well?
00:32:41-00:39:06 - Did the 3DS version of Star Fox 64 remain faithful to the N64 original? Thoughts on using 3D and/or the gyroscope, as well as the music being negatively affected. Should more added content have been included? Why was there no online multiplayer?
00:39:11-00:41:23 - Was it a missed opportunity not using motion controls for a Wii version, using the Wii Remote to guide the Arwing?
00:43:57-00:47:30 - How best to use the Wii U GamePad for a future game
00:47:34-00:51:35 - Who, other than Nintendo, would be the best developer for a new Star Fox?
00:51:37-00:53:58 - Favourite quotes from the entire series, and some 'interesting' impressions!
00:53:58-00:55:00 - Outro jingles...
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Be sure to tune in each week at 11:00pm (GMT) / 6:00pm (EST) for Cubed3.com's Glass to the Wall on Turquoise Radio!