Mysterious Murasame Castle Spotted Outside Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.05.2013

Mysterious Murasame Castle Spotted Outside Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mysterious Murasame Castle, a title release for the Famicom Disc System, may finally see a release outside Japanese shores.

Released almost thirty years ago the game was one of the early titles for the Disk System (FDS) add-on for the NES/Famicom console. It revolved around the Edo period in Japan where a once peaceful village is dominated by an alien force that takes over the castle and spreads its evil power across other villages. It's up to Takamaru to tackle four castles and face the extraterrestrial invaders.

The series has made itself known outside Japan, with Takamaru being a playable character in Samurai Warriors 3 plus the "Takamaru's Ninja Castle" attraction in Nintendo Land being based on the series.


Now a rating for The Mysterious Murasame Castle has appeared in the Australian Ratings board which could very well indicate a Virtual Console release or a complete remake.

Have you encountered Mysterious Murasame Castle before? Would you pick up a localised version?

Box art for The Mysterious Murasame Castle
Also known as

Nazo no Murasame-Jou









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