CNN Money: Nintendo has "Lost Touch with Reality" with "Warped, Counterintuitive" Ideas

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.05.2013 19

CNN Money: Nintendo has "Lost Touch with Reality" with "Warped, Counterintuitive" Ideas on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A tech writer for CNN Money has slated Nintendo's approach to next generation gaming, claiming the company has "lost touch with reality".

Earlier this week Adrian Covert expressed his opinion on Nintendo's approaches to developing technology and keeping up to date with the latest trends. "Nintendo frequently opts to develop its own warped, counterintuitive take on the latest trends", Covert said.

The impact hasn't been nearly the same as the Wii. Some new Wii U features, like the touchscreen-equipped controller feel convoluted, and less innovative compared to technologies like Microsoft's Kinect camera.

Nintendo games that actually take proper advantage of the motion gaming tech aren't coming from third-party developers, and Nintendo's own titles — which are excellent more often than not — aren't coming anytime soon.

He discusses online gaming and distribution, noting its improvements, but questions whether it's a key part of Nintendo's strategy.

Finally, Covert questions why Nintendo hasn't expanded their IPs into non-Nintendo devices, like offering classic games on the Apple iTunes or Google Play stores. "Nobody is going to buy a Nintendo 3DS just to download that from the eStore", he exclaims.

What do you think of CNN Money's comments about Nintendo and their approaches?

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" "Nobody is going to buy a Nintendo 3DS just to download that from the eStore", he exclaims."

No, but they get 100% of the profits when people do. Its a bonus feature, not a reason to buy.

Releasing on iOS, however,  is litteraly giving Apple 30% of all sales - giving your competetion money. 


That said, the rest of the assment is pretty spot on. For once. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Kinect is innovative? Really? With the lag in the motions and no real feedback? Right o the money, CNN!

I feel obligated to believe every word of a "tech writer" who believes Kinect is more useful for gaming than a touch screen on your controller.

Afterall, all you hear from gamers these days is that Kinect isn't integrated enough into games and that having your complete inventory/map/hud info/etc instantly accessible or playing the game off-TV is destroying gaming as we know it.

I don't get why so many people feel entitled to Pokemon on iPhone. Sure, it would be really cool and if done right makes a lot of monetary sense. No, the company is not "insane" for not doing it.

This strikes me as more American news sources taking a stance against a non-American corporation. Never before have I seen so much vitriol and persistent rumor against the company that easily performed the best in a console generation. If anything is out of touch with reality, it's that claim.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Nintendo has yet to proove the usefullness or newness of the touchscreen though.
Asemetrical gameplay is still hardly used other then a few bits in Nintendo Land.

"A second screen" is utterly the same as toggleing between a inventory with a button. Moving your head up and down to switch screens....or pressing a button. Same thing.

Nintendo needs to use it for MORE then just inventorys and extra buttons. Thats the point here.

EdEN said:
Kinect is innovative? Really? With the lag in the motions and no real feedback? Right o the money, CNN!

Yes, its very innovative because no one else was doing it. It was utterly new tech.

The fact it wasnt perfect is just the nature of technology. The Wiimote was the exact same thing. It was flawed - yet new. New possibilitys opened, and later (with motion plus) it was improved.

Now, if Microsoft doesnt improve the Kinect for next-gen xbox, that would be a issue.  Theres ways to make the tech better and they should do so.  (just as Nintendo should have made the Wiimote better for the WiiU but didnt bother)

Dont critise the fact that Microsoft made a affordable device that can effectively mocap your body in 3d - because thats pretty amazing dispite some lag. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Nintendo has yet to proove the usefullness or newness of the touchscreen though.
Asemetrical gameplay is still hardly used other then a few bits in Nintendo Land.

"A second screen" is utterly the same as toggleing between a inventory with a button. Moving your head up and down to switch screens....or pressing a button. Same thing.

Nintendo needs to use it for MORE then just inventorys and extra buttons. Thats the point here.

Everybody said these same things about the DS when it first came out, too. It takes more than five months to start fully utilizing new features. Look at Black Ops 2, with split screen divided between the TV and GamePad; that's a very useful feature not many games are using yet. Yes, the majority of Wii U GamePad's features boil down to map and or inventory hotkeys, which are useful on their own, but off-tv play is another useful feature, and off-tv splitscreen is another I'm sure more games will take advantage of.

But more or less I agree. Nintendo was one of the only companies using the Wii tech for more than just gimmicks. They should be leading the way out the gate. Wii did very well because it was able to strike a balance between gimmick and usefulness, fragile as that balance may have been. Wii U is doing far less of both, and has old-ish hardware to boot. Nintendo needs to stop relying on hardware alone and start relying on great games again.

Yes, its very innovative because no one else was doing it. It was utterly new tech.

It's a glorified Playstation EyeToy. I can't think of a single Kinect game or game feature that isn't an utterly bullshit gimmick. Pretty much everything it does can be done better, more accurately, and more fun with an actual controller.
Sony at least has the decency to improve the tech and ideas they steal from Nintendo (PS Move, Sony Miiverse or whatever they're calling it on PS4). Microsoft took three steps backward with Kinect.

This is, of course, my opinion, but I'll go out on a limb and say I think most Xbox owners would agree with me.

Now, if Microsoft doesnt improve the Kinect for next-gen xbox, that would be a issue.  Theres ways to make the tech better and they should do so.  (just as Nintendo should have made the Wiimote better for the WiiU but didnt bother)

This is a little incorrect. They made MotionPlus the standard, and if rumors are to be believed, soon they'll have the built-in rechargable battery they should've had to begin with. But you're mostly right; Nintendo could have and should have improved on the Wii Remote design. There are a lot of things they could have done without losing backward compatibility.

Dont critise the fact that Microsoft made a affordable device that can effectively mocap your body in 3d - because thats pretty amazing dispite some lag.

This is a pretty generous analysis of what Kinect is capable of. The motion capture is extremely limited, being able to capture only basic movements, or more specific movements at the cost of picking a certain area of the body. Even then, it's not very accurate, requires a lot of hassle to set up (space and lighting have to be perfect), lags, and in general and in my opinion isn't really much fun. It's way more trouble than it's worth.

I do expect MS has improved it for their next Xbox, though, and if so, I'll willingly adopt in once they force it upon me, haha. This is, of course, assuming they're overhauling Xbox Live. They recently stopped offering the Family Pack, and frankly, paying to play online in this day is just stupid. I could put up with $99/year for all of my siblings and I to get Gold. I won't put up with much else, I'm ready and willing to move to PS4, and the cost of playing online will be the major deciding factor.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
kingdom (guest) 09.05.2013#7

Where do you begin?

I don't want to come across like him by criticising him.

But he doesn't sound very clever.

for example: what does convoluted mean in that context?

i know I'm just going to sound like a fanboy (and falling for a troll and we shouldn't give him the attention)

But: "touchscreen-equipped controller feels convoluted,"

Really is a bad use of english, worse: it's broken and doesn't make any sense (I know that's not convincing)

But really, it doesn't mean anything.

Anything, at all.

It just doesn't mean anything because it's an english fail. perhaps, contrived is the word he was looking for but that would only half work. Contrivance would be better but it doesn't seem he's at that level to understand the nuances (and subtle differences between contrived and contrivance)

It just doesn't mean anything. As far as bad english goes it ranks up there.

No meaning can be derived. Perhaps he knew what he meant.

And I didn't even bother to mention kinect. I can't think of a more redundant and pointless tech.

"less innovative? He didn't give a fuck about innovative until... er...kinect can only make games worse. It can only make the connection between the gamer and the software less fast and reliable. It's nintendo's innovation anyway. that's the only reason kinect exists. The Upad can create new experiences unique to wii U obviously (and so can kinect but ones where it only does what you want half the time and with a good deal of input lag)

Also nintendo games will never come from 3rd parties no matter how long he waits.

I know it just looks like I'm reacting because I'm a fanboy.

But, really, I can only assume it's intentional surely. It must be.

You could never get a job as a writer in my reality using convolut-

headfuck. brain melt. want something else now.

Gamer (guest) 09.05.2013#8

Ralph Covert is a hack, he also said in another article that EA was a good company that would save Star Wars games. Does that sound like someone in touch with the gaming community?

Sterling McTavish (guest) 09.05.2013#9

"Nintendo frequently opts to develop its own warped, counterintuitive take on the latest trends"

This guy is absolutely right.

Ouya's release next month will prove how very right he is. Nintendo Wii U is destined to be destroyed by Ouya and all it offers.

kahn (guest) 09.05.2013#10

Im so fuckin fired of people saying nintendo needs to go 3rd party. Stop being little apple faggots, get a fuckin android emulator and download the roms for free and stop butching and giving nintendo shitty advice. Nintendo is a 1st party game developef on THEIR OWN PLATFORMS. MARIO BELONGS ON NINTENDO HARDWARE, not peice of shit phone. You want mario on the go? Get a 3ds. 3ds has the best games out there right now. Stop being a close minded apple faggot and get your facts straight

DrakenX (guest) 09.05.2013#11

kingdom (guest) said:
Where do you begin?

I don't want to come across like him by criticising him.

But he doesn't sound very clever.

for example: what does convoluted mean in that context?

i know I'm just going to sound like a fanboy (and falling for a troll and we shouldn't give him the attention)

But: "touchscreen-equipped controller feels convoluted,"

Really is a bad use of english, worse: it's broken and doesn't make any sense (I know that's not convincing)

But really, it doesn't mean anything.

Anything, at all.

It just doesn't mean anything because it's an english fail. perhaps, contrived is the word he was looking for but that would only half work. Contrivance would be better but it doesn't seem he's at that level to understand the nuances (and subtle differences between contrived and contrivance)

It just doesn't mean anything. As far as bad english goes it ranks up there.

No meaning can be derived. Perhaps he knew what he meant.

And I didn't even bother to mention kinect. I can't think of a more redundant and pointless tech.

"less innovative? He didn't give a fuck about innovative until... er...kinect can only make games worse. It can only make the connection between the gamer and the software less fast and reliable. It's nintendo's innovation anyway. that's the only reason kinect exists. The Upad can create new experiences unique to wii U obviously (and so can kinect but ones where it only does what you want half the time and with a good deal of input lag)

Also nintendo games will never come from 3rd parties no matter how long he waits.

I know it just looks like I'm reacting because I'm a fanboy.

But, really, I can only assume it's intentional surely. It must be.

You could never get a job as a writer in my reality using convolut-

headfuck. brain melt. want something else now.

The worst gimmick the videogame industry has seen is the Wii Remote, something that only Nintendo themselves have aimed to take advantage of. Everyone else just implements Wii remote controls, not because they want to, but because Nintendo FORCES THEM with their lame licensee rules.

At least XBOX Kinect has a wide range of useful functionality, and will soon have much more:



DrakenX (guest) said:

The worst gimmick the videogame industry has seen is the Wii Remote, something that only Nintendo themselves have aimed to take advantage of. Everyone else just implements Wii remote controls, not because they want to, but because Nintendo FORCES THEM with their lame licensee rules.

At least XBOX Kinect has a wide range of useful functionality, and will soon have much more:



This is beyond incorrect.

First off, Nintendo isn't the only company to use motion controls. Have you heard of Playstation Move?
Second, Nintendo didn't force anybody to use it. The Wii and Wii U both have Classic Controller input, and the Wii had Gamecube Controller input. You can play the entirety of Monster Hunter without ever using a Wii Remote or the Wii U Gamepad.

Last I had read, that video you posted is not for the next Xbox; it's a piece of tech they experimented with the current Xbox 360 and it never came to fruition because nobody wants to have to rearrange their entire apartment just to play a video game, something they're already pushing with the Kinect.

And what "wide range of functionality" are you referring to? The ability to wave your arms around and have your character sometimes do the same in-game? Playstation 2 did that first, and the Xbox and Xbox 360 (pre-Kinect) had a camera and several games that used that as well. Kinect is just a more accurate rebuild of that technology.

I hate gimmicks and casual gaming as much as the next guy, but let's not pretend Microsoft is shitting gold every time they rip off their competitors.

In any case, Sony is the company taking what Nintendo does and doing it the right way, not Microsoft.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Sterling McTavish (guest) said:

Ouya's release next month will prove how very right he is. Nintendo Wii U is destined to be destroyed by Ouya and all it offers.

I wouldn't bet on this.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

He has a point, but then as do most gamers.

DrakenX (guest) 10.05.2013#15

justonesp00lturn said:
DrakenX (guest) said:

The worst gimmick the videogame industry has seen is the Wii Remote, something that only Nintendo themselves have aimed to take advantage of. Everyone else just implements Wii remote controls, not because they want to, but because Nintendo FORCES THEM with their lame licensee rules.

At least XBOX Kinect has a wide range of useful functionality, and will soon have much more:



This is beyond incorrect.

First off, Nintendo isn't the only company to use motion controls. Have you heard of Playstation Move?
Second, Nintendo didn't force anybody to use it. The Wii and Wii U both have Classic Controller input, and the Wii had Gamecube Controller input. You can play the entirety of Monster Hunter without ever using a Wii Remote or the Wii U Gamepad.

Last I had read, that video you posted is not for the next Xbox; it's a piece of tech they experimented with the current Xbox 360 and it never came to fruition because nobody wants to have to rearrange their entire apartment just to play a video game, something they're already pushing with the Kinect.

And what "wide range of functionality" are you referring to? The ability to wave your arms around and have your character sometimes do the same in-game? Playstation 2 did that first, and the Xbox and Xbox 360 (pre-Kinect) had a camera and several games that used that as well. Kinect is just a more accurate rebuild of that technology.

I hate gimmicks and casual gaming as much as the next guy, but let's not pretend Microsoft is shitting gold every time they rip off their competitors.

In any case, Sony is the company taking what Nintendo does and doing it the right way, not Microsoft.

Who said they were the only one's to use controller-based motion control?. Sony's Move is a very responsive controller, the Wii Remote on the other hand, even with Motion+ unit, isn't anywhere near as so.

The Wii Remote is a cheap controller with poor responsiveness, this is well known among the gaming community.

Wrong, Nintendo forced all it's licensed developers to create Wii Remote controls for all it's Wii games, they had no choice but to create them, even though many developers often thought they were terrible. They were forced to release games with terrible control options, forced into using the terrible default controller was a prerequisite of all licensed Wii developers. 

Wrong again, the technology above uses a Kinect unit which is compatible with both 360 and 720.

Sterling McTavish (guest) 10.05.2013#16

justonesp00lturn said:
DrakenX (guest) said:

The worst gimmick the videogame industry has seen is the Wii Remote, something that only Nintendo themselves have aimed to take advantage of. Everyone else just implements Wii remote controls, not because they want to, but because Nintendo FORCES THEM with their lame licensee rules.

At least XBOX Kinect has a wide range of useful functionality, and will soon have much more:



This is beyond incorrect.

First off, Nintendo isn't the only company to use motion controls. Have you heard of Playstation Move?
Second, Nintendo didn't force anybody to use it. The Wii and Wii U both have Classic Controller input, and the Wii had Gamecube Controller input. You can play the entirety of Monster Hunter without ever using a Wii Remote or the Wii U Gamepad.

Last I had read, that video you posted is not for the next Xbox; it's a piece of tech they experimented with the current Xbox 360 and it never came to fruition because nobody wants to have to rearrange their entire apartment just to play a video game, something they're already pushing with the Kinect.

And what "wide range of functionality" are you referring to? The ability to wave your arms around and have your character sometimes do the same in-game? Playstation 2 did that first, and the Xbox and Xbox 360 (pre-Kinect) had a camera and several games that used that as well. Kinect is just a more accurate rebuild of that technology.

I hate gimmicks and casual gaming as much as the next guy, but let's not pretend Microsoft is shitting gold every time they rip off their competitors.

In any case, Sony is the company taking what Nintendo does and doing it the right way, not Microsoft.

I doubt Microsoft would have pimping the concept off at this years CES (January), if they had no intention of bringing it to either 360 or 720. From what I've read it's even more advanced now and will be shown at Micosoft's 720 conference.

Did you even bother to watch the video above?. What gave you the impression that you had to move furniture around in the video? Kinect scans the entire room and correlates images accordingly - you don't need to move anything.

Sterling McTavish (guest) said:
justonesp00lturn said:
DrakenX (guest) said:

The worst gimmick the videogame industry has seen is the Wii Remote, something that only Nintendo themselves have aimed to take advantage of. Everyone else just implements Wii remote controls, not because they want to, but because Nintendo FORCES THEM with their lame licensee rules.

At least XBOX Kinect has a wide range of useful functionality, and will soon have much more:



This is beyond incorrect.

First off, Nintendo isn't the only company to use motion controls. Have you heard of Playstation Move?
Second, Nintendo didn't force anybody to use it. The Wii and Wii U both have Classic Controller input, and the Wii had Gamecube Controller input. You can play the entirety of Monster Hunter without ever using a Wii Remote or the Wii U Gamepad.

Last I had read, that video you posted is not for the next Xbox; it's a piece of tech they experimented with the current Xbox 360 and it never came to fruition because nobody wants to have to rearrange their entire apartment just to play a video game, something they're already pushing with the Kinect.

And what "wide range of functionality" are you referring to? The ability to wave your arms around and have your character sometimes do the same in-game? Playstation 2 did that first, and the Xbox and Xbox 360 (pre-Kinect) had a camera and several games that used that as well. Kinect is just a more accurate rebuild of that technology.

I hate gimmicks and casual gaming as much as the next guy, but let's not pretend Microsoft is shitting gold every time they rip off their competitors.

In any case, Sony is the company taking what Nintendo does and doing it the right way, not Microsoft.

I doubt Microsoft would have pimping the concept off at this years CES (January), if they had no intention of bringing it to either 360 or 720. From what I've read it's even more advanced now and will be shown at Micosoft's 720 conference.

Did you even bother to watch the video above?. What gave you the impression that you had to move furniture around in the video? Kinect scans the entire room and correlates images accordingly - you don't need to move anything.

Most Kinect users have already had to move their stuff, but yea, you're right.

CNN loves telling gamers what they know already lol

Funny, this just reminded me of the late 8bit era when there was all that doom and gloom about how Sega was going to kill off Nintendo. Dejavu is all too common when discussing Nintendo's new hardware.

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