Super Ubi Land is no more, as developer Notion Games confirms that the title has to be changed in agreement with Ubisoft.
Despite being completely unrelated, the game's name includes "Ubi" which some may confuse with leading publisher Ubisoft. The pair have been in conversations recently and have since confirmed on Twitter that the name will have to be changed.
Been exchanging emails with Ubisoft. Unfortunately, we have to change the title of #SuperUbiLand. Stay tuned.
— Notion_Games (@NotionGamesLLC) May 6, 2013
The game will be coming to Nintendo Wii U eShop via Maestro Interactive this year.
What it'll be changed to has yet to be revealed, but in any case they won't be using "Ubi" any time soon.
What do you think of the name change, should the Super Ubi Land title have been renamed?