E3 2013 | Nintendo to Hold Pre-E3 Press Presentation at its Booth

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2013

E3 2013 | Nintendo to Hold Pre-E3 Press Presentation at its Booth on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are taking a different approach to this year's E3 conference by hosting a number of smaller sessions prior and during the show.

The massive live-stream conference that would have taken place in the Kodak Theatre (now known as the Dolby Theatre) has been pushed to one side in favour of more targeted chunks to digest. The decision has caused mixed opinion, but Nintendo will still aim to have a big presence at the show itself.

One of these new approaches is to invite press directly to the company's booth where president Iwata and Reggie Fils-Aime will demonstrate the latest software from the company and allow for hands-on sessions before everybody else.

It's not certain whether this particular part of E3 will be viewable to the public, however Nintendo will be airing specific Nintendo Direct broadcasts packed to the brim with 3DS and Wii U releases.

What are your thoughts on this new approach to E3 from Nintendo?

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