Glass to the Wall Ep.2 Archive: THQ & Darksiders II Special

By Adam Riley 05.05.2013 1

Image for Glass to the Wall Ep.2 Archive: THQ & Darksiders II Special

What is Glass to the Wall?

The Cubed3 Nintendo Podcast has a new look, name, and location! Glass to the Wall focuses on all aspects of the gaming industry and is aired online each week. Yes, that's right! No longer limited to just being right here, listeners can tune into Turquoise Radio every Thursday at 11pm GMT / 6pm EST or just catch the repeat show on Sundays 4am GMT / Saturdays 11pm EST.

Can I download the episodes?

Yes, of course! 7 days after the repeat show has aired on, readers will be able to come right here and download or stream the show.

What was in Glass to the Wall - Episode 02, though?

Well, since you asked so nicely, here is a brief breakdown:

00:00:00-00:04:38 - Host Adam Riley discusses THQ's demise and who some of its initial assets have gone to this year.
00:05:32-00:06:16 - Who could possibly buy the Darksiders series?
00:10:30-00:32:25 - Darksiders II Q&A with Cubed3's Rudy Lavaux, discussing the game in greater detail
00:33:55-00:54:02 - Question Time, answering any queries from those calling / emailing in

If listening via Cubed3 is not an option, be sure to simply download the podcast right here < Right-Click, Save-As, 50.4MB >

Be sure to tune in each week at 11:00pm (GMT) / 6:00pm (EST) for's Glass to the Wall on Turquoise Radio!

Your feedback is essential to shaping future shows,
[a href="mailto:[email protected]"]please do email in or just post in the comments below!

Box art for Darksiders II








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  3/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Well, now we know who has Darksiders, the next question has to be will Nordic let the guys at Crytek work on a third game! Let's hope so!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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