Rumours | Zelda Changes & New Mario RPG...

By Adam Riley 05.03.2004 1

Zelda Changes & a New Mario RPG...
...Rumours from the D.I.C.E Summit!

Over at fansite Planet GameCube, some of the rumours that were floating around at the recent D.I.C.E Summit in Las Vegas have been reported upon.

The first tasty morsel is related to the Mario RPG series. So far we have been privy to Super Mario RPG on the SNES, Paper Mario on the Nintendo 64 and Mario & Luigi on the GBA - all of which have improved in quality each time to the point where Mario & Luigi was actually in the Top 5 games of 2003 in many people's eyes.

Currently under construction, as announced last year, is Paper Mario for the GameCube - although nobody outside Nintendo knows whether this was to be an upgraded version of the N64 title that vastly overlooked due to its release whilst the system was in its last stages of dying, or if it would be a full blown new adventure.

The latest rumour seems to point towards a possible answer - that Paper Mario is indeed a mere remake. Why? Well, the rumour circulates around the major success of Mario & Luigi on the GBA and how Nintendo wants to capitalise on this success but on the GameCube in order to bump up the flagging sales once more. Whether the new title would star Mario & Luigi in the lead roles (possible being replaced by Wario and Waluigi - the other hapless duo), whether Alpha Dream would take the reigns again (as with M&L: Superstar Saga) or whether this actually exists or not is open for discussion.

Fingers crossed it is true, but for now it would probably be best if you did not hold your breath for too long!

Next up is The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Plus. We currently know of the three main options in the game: Hyrule Adventure, Navi's Trackers and Shadow Battle. Apparently, though, due to heavy criticism of the child-orientated Navi's Trackers it may well be dropped for the US release. If this were to be the case, then would Nintendo add some other mode instead? Or maybe include the GB Link's Awakening as a hidden extra. Or maybe even simply release the game at a very low price!

The second option would make a lot of people very happy.

But the rumour does not stop there, and may make the second option an unnecessary one. Hyrule Adventure is being said to be bigger than Zelda: Link to the Past - the hugely enjoyable SNES/GBA Zelda outing that lasted for a fair old while. If indeed true, then it would mean that Flagship have been beavering away on the game far more than we realised, thus making Four Swords Plus a must-buy title.

The only drawback of that would be that development of the new, original Zelda GBA outing may have been delayed due to the GC work. But hey, sacrifices have to be made every now and then!

Whilst all of the above would be exceptionally wonderful, it must be remembered that everything is currently hearsay and nothing confirmed. But as soon as anything is confirmed, you can be sure C3 will let you know straight away...

Stay tuned!

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