A New Mother/Earthbound Game is Impossible

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2013 2

A New Mother/Earthbound Game is Impossible on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The creator of the Mother/Earthbound series Shigesato Itoi has stated a new entry is "impossible".

Despite renewed interest from Nintendo in the franchise and a Western release for Earthbound this year, Itoi isn't keen to revisit Mother to create a new title.

The creator and storyline writer was asked by a fan about a new game, to which he replied "it's impossible". It's more than certain that Itoi wouldn't be onboard with a new game, but whether Nintendo decide to continue without him is another matter.

What do you think of the news - is there room for another chapter in the Mother/Earthbound series?

Box art for EarthBound
Also known as

Mother 2






Turn Based RPG



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Drew B (guest) 07.05.2013#2

Why is it "impossible"!? So much drama around this series. Frustrating stuff.

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