Ex-Rare Staff Creating Tengami for Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2013

Ex-Rare Staff Creating Tengami for Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie studio Nyamyam has confirmed a Nintendo Wii U eShop release for upcoming adventure game Tengami.

Currently on track for an iPad release this year and subsequent Windows/Mac versions, the team has confirmed that a Wii U version will land on the eShop in 2014.

In Tengami players explore a paper craft 3D pop-up world inspired by Eastern, Japanese culture and crafts. Pitched as an adventure game, players manipulate the world to solve puzzles and explore ancient dark fairy tales.

The team is devised from previous Rare staff and designers including Phil Tossell who worked on Diddy Kong Racing and Star Fox Adventures, David Wise - composer for Battletoads, Donkey Kong Country, plus Ryo Agarie - an artist for Perfect Dark Zero.

The group are also "intrigued by the possibilities for new types of multiplayer games the Wii U could deliver" and would consider more Wii U projects after Tengami.


What do you think of the Tengami concept?

Box art for Tengami








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