Rumour: Could Pokémon X & Y Introduce Fairy Types?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.04.2013 20

Rumour: Could Pokémon X & Y Introduce Fairy Types? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RUMOUR: Unconfirmed tweets from Nintendo magazine reporters have suggested the Pokémon types for Xerneas, Yveltal and Sylveon.

Prior to the Japanese release of Pokémon Black and White, two members of the Official Nintendo Magazine (Spain) team leaked the entire Pokédex and data for unknown new critters. Now one of the pair has taken to Twitter to declare that he knows the species types for the two new legendary Pokémon plus the new Eevee evolution in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.

  • Sylveon: Fairy
  • Xerneas: Fairy
  • Yveltal: Dark/Flying
He also claims that the classic critter Clefairy and potentially Togetic are being rebranded as the new fairy type as well.

Nintendo have yet to comment on the characteristics for the new Pokémon in the upcoming Nintendo 3DS game, so take consider this strongly as rumour for now, but an intriguing one at that.

What do you think of the possible new "Fairy" type - could there be truth in this rumour?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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Sounds good to me! I love seeing a new type once in a while. Were steel/dark really the last new ones?

They really were :/ I find it more odd that they haven't introduced any new types since, but in retrospect I'm glad they haven't. Adding new types every generation could become very cumbersome. 

Gibdo88 said:
They really were :/ I find it more odd that they haven't introduced any new types since, but in retrospect I'm glad they haven't. Adding new types every generation could become very cumbersome. 

Indeed, right now a Fairy type would serve to balance out overpowered Dragon and underpowered Poison, then the types chart would be pretty much perfect.

John (guest) 22.04.2013#4


CounterfeitFrenchman (guest) 22.04.2013#5

Hey, maybe. I do hope they balance it out with something like an Alien-type, too. It's been 13 years since Dark and Steel, Nintendo. We need more Pokemon types, dammit!

Mr Pokemon (guest) 22.04.2013#6

Sounds cool, it would be nice to have a new type, it's been so long since the last one

I think theres abit of a stigma going on with the word fairy, but it probably has a slightly different concept in Japanese, meaning something more like spirits or guardian or sprite or around that general area, but nearest we have in English is fairy.

I say this because i had this suspicion all along, at least for Xerneas as his design screams similarities to  Shishi-gami, the forest spirit in Princess Mononoke

( Edited 22.04.2013 13:55 by welshwuff )

welshwuff said:
I think theres abit of a stigma going on with the word fairy, but it probably has a slightly different concept in Japanese, meaning something more like spirits or guardian or sprite or around that general area, but nearest we have in English is fairy.

That's true actually - given the different ways we see the word "fairy" it might be localised under a different name if true methinks!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

CounterfeitFrenchman (guest) said:
Hey, maybe. I do hope they balance it out with something like an Alien-type, too. It's been 13 years since Dark and Steel, Nintendo. We need more Pokemon types, dammit!

Cosmic Type! Smilie I'd like to see it!

welshwuff said:
I think theres abit of a stigma going on with the word fairy, but it probably has a slightly different concept in Japanese, meaning something more like spirits or guardian or sprite or around that general area, but nearest we have in English is fairy.

I say this because i had this suspicion all along, at least for Xerneas as his design screams similarities to  Shishi-gami, the forest spirit in Princess Mononoke

Yes totally agree! Smilie I actually mirrored this thought earlier in the X/Y Thread! (shameless plug??)

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What else could they call it? Angel-type? God-type?

Fairy is the only thing that I can see work.

Canyarion said:
What else could they call it? Angel-type? God-type?

Fairy is the only thing that I can see work.

Magic Type or Cosmic Type were other cool ideas I've had.

Fairy does work the best though I agree, it's very "Pokémon-y".

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ConfusedTruffle (guest) 22.04.2013#12

Honestly, more types would just make Pokemon an overwhelming entity that I don't think they're planning on implementing. Imagine it, over 12 types of Pokemon? You've got to be kidding!

I'm still sold on Flying type. Besides, Eevee still needs to integrate each type in accordance with stones and evolutionary tools. I imagine Sylveon is evolved using a new evolutionary stone.. as it would be the very first Flying type to evolve based on choice, not level.

ConfusedTruffle (guest) 22.04.2013#13

OK, there's already over 12. Who knows, then? My vote's still for Flying though. Smilie

Fairy type makes sense, I still want a Sound type though!

Ikana said:
Fairy type makes sense, I still want a Sound type though!

That'd be awesome, complete will all sorts of rhythmic moves!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Ikana said:
Fairy type makes sense, I still want a Sound type though!

That'd be awesome, complete will all sorts of rhythmic moves!

Yup, we already have Growl, Sing, Uproar, Chatter, Roar, Hyper Voice, Echoed Voice, Heal Bell, Howl, Lucky Chant, Perish Song, Relic Song, Round, Screech, Sleep Talk, Supersonic, etc!
And Pokémon such as Chatot, Exploud, Chimecho, Kricketune, etc. Makes perfect sense! Maybe add a loudspeaker Rotom form? Smilie

( Edited 22.04.2013 21:06 by Ikana )

kodem4175 (guest) 22.04.2013#17

fairy type could just be the Japanese name, like how dark type is really evil type in Japanese

Ikana said:

Yup, we already have Growl, Sing, Uproar, Chatter, Roar, Hyper Voice, Echoed Voice, Heal Bell, Howl, Lucky Chant, Perish Song, Relic Song, Round, Screech, Sleep Talk, Supersonic, etc!
And Pokémon such as Chatot, Exploud, Chimecho, Kricketune, etc. Makes perfect sense! Maybe add a loudspeaker Rotom form? Smilie

Don't forget Encore!
I think the Fairy type is an interesting concept, although it will take a while to get used to.

Its good that they mite make a new type and I'm not complaining but fairy types???come on let's not turn this into yugioh....but still not complaining I still love pokemon

satoshiketchump (guest) 06.06.2013#20

there are currently 17 types of gods sake!!!! adding fairy wud make it 18. I this type is real, then many pokemon rom the airy egg group will recieve this typin as a primary or secondaryt trype, or cud become their solo type!

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