New Gameplay Footage from Pokémon Rumble U from Nintendo Direct

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2013 6

New Gameplay Footage from Pokémon Rumble U from Nintendo Direct on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One of the games shown during Nintendo Direct in Japan was a new glimpse of what Pokémon Rumble U would look like on Wii U.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata once again demonstrated how NFC would work with both specific Pokémon Rumble action figures, like Pikachu, together with NFC cards to import these critters into the game. Pokémon Rumble U is heading to the Nintendo Wii U eShop in Japan on 24th April, offering hundreds of adorable Pokémon to collect and battle with friends.


What do you think of Pokémon Rumble U - will you join Pikachu and friends in their latest action brawler?

Box art for Pokémon Rumble U








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Possibly the only first party nintendo game I have witnessed that has had no positive impact on me. Also the only nintendo game I have seen that deserves the title cash grab. Everything seems wrong with the realisation of this project:

The toys are badly, badly designed
The in game animation and character design are badly badly designed.

It just looks like a student garage project not a nintendo game. Almost as if they dont think this concept deserves any integrety and that its purely to sell over priced plastic. Disneys new game on the other hand looks very promising. 

Rick (guest) 19.04.2013#2

Are you kidding me?  I own Skylanders and I like it, but Disney Infinity is the real cash grab here.  The figures in the Disney game all have drab colors and look like garbage, plus they cost significantly more than Skylanders, which many people already felt was overpriced.  Disney has a record of producing a lot of really crappy games, and there aren't even an exclusive preorder bonuses, so there's no real reason why anyone would need to pre-order it.  Disney has a bunch of small franchises that they hope to combine into one big mega-franchise, and they think that somehow people will be crazy about Disney Infinity instead of just buying those one or two characters they actually like.  Those people are not going to pay $80 just to see if the new rendition of their favorite character is somehow any more fun to play than the last 4 boring times Disney put them in a game.  They certainly are not going to collect all the figures, as people do with Skylanders.  Add to this the fact that this game is loosely based on Minecraft, a super-popular but somewhat complicated game that might not appeal to some of the younger gamers.

On the other hand, every single person I know who plays Skylanders has mentioned at one time or another that Nintendo should do this with Pokemon, and why the heck aren't they.  Pokemon has always been the super mega character money-sucking franchise, and the rightful heir to the "gaming figures" legacy.  Unlike the crappy vinyl Disney figures (as opposed to the hand-painted Skylanders), the new Pokemon figures only cost $2 apiece (compared to Skylanders $10, and Disney $13!), making them an easy impulse buy any time someone is at the game store.  Add to this the fact that Pokemon already has hundreds of characters to capitalize on, and they are starting small with only 7 figures to begin with.  On top of all that, Pokemon Rumble U only costs around $15-20 and does not require the user to purchase, own, or store any kind of portal or interface for the figures.

If a person bought every Pokemon Rumble U item at launch it would only cost them about $32 total, and that would include 7 figures and the game.  That is the most they can make off any Pokemon fan at launch.  I can't imagine what all the Disney characters, packs, and upgrade discs would all cost together.

Skylanders is an expensive game.  Disney is for rich people, I guess.  Pokemon Rumble U figures are cheap enough for anyone to buy.  This is nothing but a smart business move that fans will welcome.  If the game is fun (and it looks like it is) then Nintendo may sell a lot more Wii Us because of it.

YOu seem passionate about nintendos project but I cant see where you are coming from. Put the toys to one side and what about this game and the mechanics look remotely interesting? 

Firstly its arena based. Disney have opted for a sandbox world where the map takes influence from the different films.

Secondly you control the characters in Disney and I dont think you do in this Pokemon game. 

Thirdly the detail and level of animation is in Disneys Favour. The pokemon in the above trailer barely have joints and look as cheap and glossy as the toys they come with. The attack animations have the same basic animation as the Game boy pokemon games themselves. 

Now its all entirely objective and Nintendo may have made the above choices for a purely honorable artistic approach thats true to the original concept. I find it too coincidental that all of the decisions are the cheapest option for development. 

First and second points are definitely in keeping with pokemone themes: ie the Pokemon fight for you the trainer and more often or not they fight in arenas but then couple this with the final production and the game looks really really cheap. 

Rick (guest) 19.04.2013#4

I wasn't aware of what you were saying about the controls.  If that's true then that sucks.

As far as Disney Infinity, from what I gather this is what the game offers:

 -Movie-themed levels, each of which requires you to use a character associated with that game just to play in it, meaning very limited variety as far as character/level combinations.  Even if you buy the extra adventure packs, you can still only use the characters that come with those adventure packs to play those levels.  It's stupid because there was no need to even include the adventure pack figures if that is the case; this could have just been a DLC.
 -Sandbox/Creation mode, where you spend hours creating levels so you can spend minutes walking through them.   I haven't yet heard of any kind of level sharing, and even if there were I've yet to say a console game with any significant level creation/public sharing taking place.  They are billing this as "endless content", but if the content doesn't exist until you create it, I'm not sure people are going to spend so much time.  I know my friend's dad likes to blow through a level of Skylanders with him for an hour every once in a while, but I'm not sure either of them would want to put the work into creating a level, just to play a level they had built themselves.

Rick (guest) 19.04.2013#5

Also, I'm not sure what you mean that you don't control the Pokemon.  That sounds like a really terrible thing, and I don't speak Japanese, so maybe they say that in the video.  However, there is nothing I saw in the video or in any of the articles I have read that indicates this.  Many articles state that you control the character in-game.  This seems like a Pokemon action game to me (though I didn't play the first Rumble so maybe I'm wrong).

Sick and tired (guest) 27.04.2013#6

It's another piece of bait to get u to buy another over priced system.  The stinkin 3ds is hardly in use and now you have to get another hand held.  But as they say about suckers being born every minute. 

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