New Super Luigi U - New Details, Wii U Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2013 2

New Super Luigi U - New Details, Wii U Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today Nintendo shared a handful of new details for the eagerly anticipated New Super Luigi U DLC update.

Tapping into the original Wii U release New Super Mario Bros. U, the download will share the same overall world map, but each of the 82 stages have been remixed to suit the taller brother Luigi - all new challenges and designs.

The release will also include Luigi's unique features, like his high jump and skidding feet. In addition, each of the levels will span just 100 seconds each for a greater, quicker challenge. Can you guide the cheerful plumber to the goal?

Image for New Super Luigi U - New Details, Wii U Screens
Image for New Super Luigi U - New Details, Wii U Screens

Will you download the New Super Luigi U DLC pack this summer?

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I have to say this is shaping up very nicely, I might even prefer it to the original game once it hits. However, the 100-second rule makes me think all the stages are very short? I wonder how true that is.. I hope it's not a cop-out, but even then 82 brand new stages is a lot so I'll forgive them for cutting time here 'n' there.

Also love that Luigi actually has his unique abilities, I seriously seriously hope this is a sign of things to come because I'd love a Mario game with multiple characters of unique abilities again, playable Peach and playable Wario please! Smilie

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Is this gonna be free or paid DLC? Either way, can't deny how damn good this is. Effectively a whole new game. The shortened time limit actually raised an eyebrow with me, but even if they are shorter levels, it'll still make for some fast-paced platforming through a huge number of them.

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