New Yoshi's Island 3D Revealed for Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2013 5

New Yoshi

During Nintendo Direct today, company president Satoru Iwata confirmed a brand new entry in the Yoshi's Island series for Nintendo 3DS.

The much anticipated and rumoured project has finally been revealed after a five year wait. Titled Yoshi's Island 3D, the game continues the effortless charm and style the series is known for, together with Yoshi's familiar controls. In addition to the standard flutter jump, egg toss and ground pounds, there'll also new new ways to pummel enemies using the 3DS's unique features.

Image for New Yoshi
Image for New Yoshi
Image for New Yoshi

No release date was specified, but expect more details on this adorable Nintendo 3DS project shortly.

Are you a fan of Yoshi's Island? What do you think of the new Nintendo 3DS entry?

Box art for Yoshi's New Island





2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I was super excited when I saw the headline. I'm not so sure after looking at the pics. Where did the cutesy drawing style go? I'm sure gameplay will still be fantastic though.

Not keen on the graphics of this also, I don't think the art translates well on 3DS, it lacks the strong pixelated outlines of the original and GBA game. I'm glad we have a sequel though, I was hoping for one. Nintendo sent me a questionnaire on the DS game after I bought it, I was very derisory. The game was terrible, it was clearly made for very young kids.

bornforthis43 said:
I was super excited when I saw the headline. I'm not so sure after looking at the pics. Where did the cutesy drawing style go? I'm sure gameplay will still be fantastic though.

Well we both know stills don't do justice to final product. To be honest I am excited for this....except for my bleeding ears if Nintendo ends up using the same Mario WHAAAA WHAAAAA WHAAAA WHAAA WHAAAA WHAAAA sounds.

This describes how my ears feel perfectly.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Linkyshinks said:
Not keen on the graphics of this also, I don't think the art translates well on 3DS, it lacks the strong pixelated outlines of the original and GBA game. I'm glad we have a sequel though, I was hoping for one. Nintendo sent me a questionnaire on the DS game after I bought it, I was very derisory. The game was terrible, it was clearly made for very young kids.

Indeed. Was disappointed in Yoshi's Island DS. Lacked the challenge of the original, and the soundtrack was pants. Really wasn't keen on the multiple babies, either.

But I dunno, I'm hoping once we have it in our hands, this won't look as rough. I quite liked the look of the Yoshi's Story alpha, which this reminds me of. Hopefully it won't look as pixellated when released. It seemed quite early on from the demo they showed.

Valium Infused Gnat (guest) 17.04.2013#5

This is looks shit. Nintendo has lost there touch (haha touch)

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