Conflicing Performance Reports for Injustice: Gods Among Us Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.04.2013 3

Conflicing Performance Reports for Injustice: Gods Among Us Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There have been conflicting reports into the performance of the Wii U version of DC brawler Injustice: Gods Among Us.

The new fighting game, from the makers of Mortal Kombat, is the latest comic book mash-up that sees the likes of Batman, Superman, The Flash, The Joker and many more engage firsts and feet on the big screen. Since its release there has been mixed feedback into how the game runs on Nintendo Wii U.

On one hand some tweets highlight how there is a lack of lobby system for online match-making, plus "noticible video compression" and "long loading times".

However other owners on NeoGAF have highlighted otherwise, praising the game's load times as quicker compared to Xbox 360 and PS3, plus a supposedly visually crisper output.

What are your thoughts on Injustice: Gods Among Us - have you noticed any issues with the Wii U version?

Box art for Injustice: Gods Among Us



Warner Bros.





C3 Score

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Well let's see is personal hearsay from likely bias sources while the other is a FAIRLY professional journalistic source. Who to trust who to trust....? Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

It's probably like a lot of other Wii U ports where the people who own and play the game don't experience any of the issues that people who don't have the game are complaining about.

Plays fine and looks great, load times aren't long, lobby system is missing though. You can chat during king of the hill and survivor modes.

( Edited 10.07.2013 22:41 by JayUK )

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