Soul Hackers Just Around the Corner, Atlus Releases New Art

By Javier Jimenez 12.04.2013

Soul Hackers Just Around the Corner, Atlus Releases New Art on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Soul Hackers, the Saturn-only Japan-only dungeon crawling classic, is finally making its way to Western shores on April 16th. In anticipation, Atlus has sent out new drawings of the Soul Hackers crew. Along with the pics came a bio breakdown of the Spookies, the hacker group the player character joins.

Image for Soul Hackers Just Around the Corner, Atlus Releases New Art

Spooky - Should come as no surprise that a character named Spooky founded the hacker group Spookies. You don't get to be boss of a hacker group without being good at hacking. Spooky is a true leader and will help during times of crisis.

Lunch - You can't hack Amami City without a good rig, and Lunch is the best there is at building them. His technical expertise and calm demeanor are matched only by his appetite … hence the name.

Six - Six manages the other kind of hardware a hacker group needs. His nickname comes from the number of shots his favorite weapon holds.

Yu-ichi - Every team needs its FNG, and Yu-ichi is as green as they come. But his lack in skill and common sense are made up by his dedication to the group, even if it means bungling things up from time to time.

Image for Soul Hackers Just Around the Corner, Atlus Releases New Art

Atlus also detailed some of the 3DS version's features, including voice acting which the original Saturn game lacked. Soul Hackers 3DS also features a Play Coins system that allows the player to acquire useful demons early on.

Fresh off the recent release of Etrian Odyssey IV in North America, it looks like Atlus is on a dungeon crawler roll. Twisted, dangerous dungeons full of monsters, limited resources, complex level maps, traps around every corner, complex battle strategies, challenge that games like Final Fantasy never dream of... for fans of the genre these titles are usually few and far between. That's cause for celebration!

Box art for Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers



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