EA Games Wins "Worst Company in America" for Second Year Running

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2013 4

EA Games Wins "Worst Company in America" for Second Year Running on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA Games has won the "worst company in America" award for the second year running, as voted in The Consumerist's public poll.

The results are in and after brushing many other top names aside, including The Bank of America, Walmart and AT&T, EA takes the top spot as voted for by nearly 78% of consumers.

Last week EA's Peter Moore commented on the public vote, admitting there were problems with some of EA's approaches in the past year, but also believes a majority of votes came from those unhappy with the Madden cover and from "conservatives protesting the company's LGBT policy".

Do you feel EA Games deserved to win "worst company" in America?

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The whole "LGBT Equality" issue has nothing to do with them being the worst company in America - it has to do with the fact that they pump out the same games every single year, slap a new year denomination on it, and the go and create "always on" products that don't even work.  It's not conservative anti-gay sentiment that makes EA a terrible company; it's EA that makes EA a terrible company.


Marcus J. Hopkins said:
The whole "LGBT Equality" issue has nothing to do with them being the worst company in America - it has to do with the fact that they pump out the same games every single year, slap a new year denomination on it, and the go and create "always on" products that don't even work.  It's not conservative anti-gay sentiment that makes EA a terrible company; it's EA that makes EA a terrible company.

Well said!

I don't really have a problem with them churning out sequels to sports titles and the like, after all there is evidentially a demand for it. I would probably buy FIFA every year if i could justify it but i think it takes around 2-3 years for them to change enough in the game play for me to warrant a purchase.

I think the problems stem from the ridiculous amount of faulty games. Everything they release at the moment seems to be plagued with annoying bugs in the games. Just shows that dev teams are taking the care that they should be.

I would be interested to see what their PR team do to over-come this. Answer back? Or stay quiet and hope it just gets forgotten. 

I don't think EA as a whole could be classified as the worst company in America. EA brings the yearly games that most gamers enjoy and it has become a norm among them. It's more of poor decisions from the developmental side that has caused the stir at EA. Prime examples, Mass Effect ending and the most recent the SimCity Online only issue. That certainly gains the no-confidence vote for EA.

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