Miyamoto: Greater Depth in Pikmin 3 Strategy

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2013 6

Miyamoto: Greater Depth in Pikmin 3 Strategy on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto has divulged new details on the advanced mechanics in Pikmin 3.

Speaking to Rolling Stone this week, the designer discussed the upcoming space adventure and specifically the ability to "have three different captains or leaders of Pikmin groups and switch between them".

The forthcoming game aims to add a dollop of high-definition visuals to the much revered Pikmin experience, but also step up the strategy and gameplay a notch. "It sort of allows you to approach the game from a much more strategic position", Miyamoto said. "the volume of work that you can get done within the timeframe has increased dramatically. And so that in and of itself really enhances the depth of strategy that's available to you in that game."

What do you think of the new mechanics available in Pikmin 3 - will you step back into the Pikmin universe later this year?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Just hurry up and release the damn thing, and market the hell out of it when they do. Dropping the ball with this one could cause a whole load of negative ramifications. I have no faith in Nintendo UK, it's safe to expect the worse from them.

I'll dance in my pants the moment Nintendo UK release an advert for Pikmin 3.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

 We need something that leaves a lasting impression. The upcoming cartoons (which are NoA made), will do there bit among Nintendo gamers, but also needed is something like the "Pikmin Song", something that embed's itself into the minds of everyone.

Nintendo UK won't see it as a big enough IP, hell i've noticed Luigi's Mansion has dropped off the ads list this week, so i really doubt Pikmin would get much media-hype over here. 

Tbf i don't even blame them, what's the point of paying £100k for ad space on a game that won't even generate sales worthy to pay for the ad! 

They really have screwed themselves terribly. I suppose they assumed Nintendo Land would have the momentum to carry them through the first few quarters, but it just hasn't. They've barely done any significant and illustrative marketing for the game (or the console), and it just doesn't have the simplicity or approachability of Wii Sports. Now, they barely seem to have anything that's ready for release. This kind of initial lull isn't unusual for Nintendo, but it really is a bit worse than usual.

It is a bit of a shame for them because I think Nintendo Land and the hardware itself is quite excellent (though, too expensive). Utterly shitty planning demonstrated by them. They were obviously eager to get to market as soon as possible, but were not prepared.

Oh, well.

( Edited 10.04.2013 18:52 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Slydevil said:
They really have screwed themselves terribly. I suppose they assumed Nintendo Land would have the momentum to carry them through the first few quarters, but it just hasn't. They've barely done any significant and illustrative marketing for the game (or the console), and it just doesn't have the simplicity or approachability of Wii Sports. Now, they barely seem to have anything that's ready for release. This kind of initial lull isn't unusual for Nintendo, but it really is a bit worse than usual.

It is a bit of a shame for them because I think Nintendo Land and the hardware itself is quite excellent (though, too expensive). Utterly shitty planning demonstrated by them. They were obviously eager to get to market as soon as possible, but were not prepared.

Oh, well.

Complacency is the key word in Nintendo's recently launched consoles, The 3DS and Wii U are trying to hark on to brand names and hope they do well because of their branding and predecessors reputation.

I actually think they expect for people to know what Pikmin is...and quite frankly i'd say its a very core select group of Nintendo-fanboys that will buy this game. It's hard to believe that the market for Pikmin is any bigger than that of Starfox, Fzero, Waverace, 1080 franchises in which we haven't really seen a new game of for a generation now. 

Don't get me wrong, i am sure it will be a brilliant game, but if you think it is going to make any sort of impact on the Wii U sales then i'd say it would happen for 1st two weeks its out and then be forgotten about...apart from by us Nintendo fans.

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