New Mewtwo-like Pokémon Revealed for X and Y

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.04.2013 9

New Mewtwo-like Pokémon Revealed for X and Y on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The classic and legendary Mewtwo may have a new form up its sleeve with the reveal of a new Pokémon for the Pokémon X & Pokémon Y roster.

The Pokémon promised a big reveal for this weekend, and have delivered a short new trailer plus a new chap that "shares many traits with Mewtwo", but according to the official website is "not quite the same…" The new Pokémon doesn't have a name at present, nor do we know if there are any ties with the generation one master except looking similar in appearance.

Image for New Mewtwo-like Pokémon Revealed for X and Y


Pokémon X & Pokémon Y are due for release on Nintendo 3DS this October.

What do you think of this new mysterious beasts and his potential connection to Mewtwo?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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Chris (guest) 07.04.2013#1

I thought that a new mewtwo form would look a lot more epic than that...come on, Nintendo! And if there is a new form for Mewtwo then what about a new form for Mew?

The thing is I'm curious if this is actually another Mewtwo form/evolution or another clone/creation by Team X or whatever there'll be called this time round - could go well with genetics X/Y etc.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks like a fusion of Mew and Mewtwo, like White2 and Black2's Kyurem combos.

Mewthree XD

Sean Connery (guest) 07.04.2013#5

So is this a new Pokémon, which will exist along side the old Mewtwo? or is the old Mewtwo being replaced with this now?

According to the English Pokemon website, it's a new pokemon, not a new form.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I have to say I really like it. When it comes to doing new things to old Pokémon, it's a real mixed bag. I never really liked Mismagius or Magmortar, but I love Yanmega and I really like this. They did what anyone could have asked from them, kept it simple, kept it faithful, but did enough to him to keep the fans asking many questions. Whether it's a new forme or an entirely new Pokémon (a DNA fusion or evolution? Maybe a separate entity like "Mewthree"?), there are many subtleties that have fans thinking and excited for more!

He looks smaller and more fragile despite still looking mean, is this maybe a Mewtwo who's achieved a form closer to Mew? Or a more successful Mew clone? The very fact that he's being hyped up to release makes me think that Mewtwo will play a story role in XY, something myself and many others have wanted for a while. Maybe, finally, his already interesting story will be expanded upon!

justonesp00lturn said:
According to the English Pokemon website, it's a new pokemon, not a new form.

Could be just a vague hype statement, "forme" isn't a term that's well known to old players and I think they're trying to directly appeal to nostalgia.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well there goes any chance of the proper Mewtwo returning in the new Smash Bros.

L said:
Well there goes any chance of the proper Mewtwo returning in the new Smash Bros.

I wouldn't say that. I'd say the chances of alt. formes or costumes is likely too.

After all, in Brawl only the Attack forme of Deoxys appeared rather than the Speed forme.

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