New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS

By Az Elias 02.04.2013 1

New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a press release today, Corecell Technology has announced new details and revealed the first screenshots for its upcoming Nintendo 3DS side-scroller AeternoBlade.

A little more on the story and characters have been detailed. In the Awelsia region, the Lord of the Dark Mist, Beladim, destroyed Ridgeroad Village as part of his plans to conquer the world, and the only survivor of this event was 18-year old mage warrior Freya. Players pick up the game shortly after her waking up after these tragic events as she sets out her plot for revenge. Beladim is widely believed to be immortal by humans, due to his reversing of time to cure his injuries, and is supposedly intent on wiping out civilisation. His origins are unknown, but he is thought to have existed since ancient times. Joining Freya is a 24-year old merchant man named Xevil, who lives at Ridgeroad Village with his sister Carol - a girl he would do anything to protect.

Image for New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS

As well as her talented use of the sword, Freya's core ability that players must put to use throughout the course of the adventure is that of time reversal. By manipulating the hands of time, she can travel back to undo mistakes and affect enemies, as well as use time to solve puzzles.

Corecell says two more important characters, plus details on the seven worlds and relics system, will be revealed soon. The first screenshots of the game in action are below, and more can be found in the screenshot gallery, as well as new CG character art.

Image for New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS
Image for New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS
Image for New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS
Image for New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS
Image for New Screens and Info on AeternoBlade for Nintendo 3DS

The game is now entering the final stages of development but Corecell says it requires some money to complete it, and will launch a campaign on Indiegogo shortly. AeternoBlade is penned in for a Q3 2013 release in Europe, for both the Nintendo 3DS eShop and as a cartridge release on the system. The company is still looking for a publisher to release the game on cartridge in North America.

Box art for AeternoBlade





2D Platformer



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Looks very promising, hopefully this comes west to the states & the kingdoms.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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