Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask x nintendogs Announced for 3DS - Debut Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2013 14

Legend of Zelda: Majora


Nintendo has teamed up with Retro Studios to bring the eagerly anticipated Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to Nintendo 3DS as a crossover with nintendogs!

Series father and all round gaming guru Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed in the latest Iwata Asks with producer Eiji Aonuma and members of Retro Studios that he felt the storyline in the much loved Nintendo 64 original was "too scary" and felt the need to upend the table on the Nintendo 3DS remake of Majora's Mask.

Image for Legend of Zelda: Majora

The game was ready for a release on December 21st 2012 but development halted in order to produce a very unique take on Majora's Mask, due for release on the Nintendo 3DS eShop on April 1st 2014.

Entitled The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask x nintendogs, you take on the role of Link, who adopts Skull Kid as a virtual pet in the world of nintendogs. Take Majora for walks, feed and bathe him in all new adventure suitable for all the family. Retro Studios is handling development, supervised by Aonuma and Miyamoto.

Nintendo is all about innovation. We spent twenty five years inviting you into new worlds with Link (laughs), but now it is your turn to save Hyrule as a breeder.  We are also planning download content to add more creatures. The Deku Scrub, Stalfos and Ganondorf are all planned as DLC for late 2014.
Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America President

I am chuffed that Nintendo decided to "upend the table". We were originally developing Metroid x Star Fox together with Metroid Prime 4, but scrapped both projects in favour of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask x nintendogs.
Michael Kelbaugh , Retro Studios

Image for Legend of Zelda: Majora

Without further ado, the debut trailer for the bizarre The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask x nintendogs:


What do you think of the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask x nintendogs concept?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





Action Adventure



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Hmmzz has april fools day written all over it....

Smilie Nice one, jb Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Thank god Miyamoto decided to casual-up Majora's Mask, it was far far too scary before!

GOTY 2014, easily.

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SuperLink said:
Thank god Miyamoto decided to casual-up Majora's Mask, it was far far too scary before!

GOTY 2014, easily.

Mate, you're wrong Smilie GAME OF THE DECADE!!!

I had a skype session with Iwata this morning. He said loads of DLC coming for this in 2015! Apparently Aonuma is considering scrapping Zelda Wii U to make an HD version of this!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Mate, you're wrong Smilie GAME OF THE DECADE!!!

I had a skype session with Iwata this morning. He said loads of DLC coming for this in 2015! Apparently Aonuma is considering scrapping Zelda Wii U to make an HD version of this!

May as well cancel the future of both franchises and all future Nintendo consoles, because the industry won't need anything else once this masterpiece hits! Smilie

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Jock_Nerd (guest) 01.04.2013#6

Goofy. Smilie

Mark Reins (guest) 01.04.2013#7

I love it! I have been fool by the rocks that you got, I'm still, I'm still Marky from the block.

Mother is buying me this game for Christmas.


Pet Reggie for DLC plz.

This goes way too far, at least mine was plausible.

Linkyshinks said:
This goes way too far, at least mine was plausible.

Sometimes you just gotta get really out there for some great original jokes (for example, Google Nose! and the Pokémon University courses)

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Perry! :D :3 (guest) 01.04.2013#11

Fake??? Real???

Perry! Smilie :3 (guest) said:
Fake??? Real???

Who knows!

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Does beg the question of where is nintendogs wiiu? or even nintendogs + pets or better still nintendogs + pokepets. Wiiu' would b flying off the shelves

Zeldafan9000 (guest) 18.08.2013#14

No just no 

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