Square Enix Launches 10th Anniversary Teaser Website

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2013 31

Square Enix Launches 10th Anniversary Teaser Website on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese RPG Giants Square Enix and have launched a 10th Anniversary teaser website, promising new collaborations.

It's gone by a blur since the two RPG rivals decided to shake hands, combine resources and form one nearly untouchable party. The merger was finalised and the company re-launched on April 1st 2003, at the time appearing to be an April Fool's joke.

Since then the combined studio has released a large catalogue of games including Kingdom Hearts, new Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest titles, remakes and more original IPs like Theatrhythm and Fortune Street.

The teaser message states that Square Enix is "thinking of collaborations that should make fans happy", with anniversary announcements expected soon.

What are you hoping the studio will announce as part of their 10th birthday celebrations?

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AnimaMagna (guest) 01.04.2013#1

He-he. A couple of teases, some news about new releases, maybe a game unveiled and some more hints about what's coming for E3. Square Enix was never one for joking about anniversaries.

They're gonna collaborate their hands with their asses and pull out Final Fantasy XIII-4.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Maybe a decent game?

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

As long as this means they'll FINALLY be working on FF5 & FF6 remake for 3DS & even put the KH HD remixes & Final Fantasy Versus XIII on the Wii U as well!! That'd be awesome & make this fan very VERY happy!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
As long as this means they'll FINALLY be working on FF5 & FF6 remake for 3DS & even put the KH HD remixes & Final Fantasy Versus XIII on the Wii U as well!! That'd be awesome & make this fan very VERY happy!!

I'm not sure why you keep holding onto that belief of Versus XIII coming to Wii U. It won't. Even KH HD won't come to Wii U.

Azuardo said:
Vorash Kadan said:
As long as this means they'll FINALLY be working on FF5 & FF6 remake for 3DS & even put the KH HD remixes & Final Fantasy Versus XIII on the Wii U as well!! That'd be awesome & make this fan very VERY happy!!

I'm not sure why you keep holding onto that belief of Versus XIII coming to Wii U. It won't. Even KH HD won't come to Wii U.

Source please Azu.....source.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Azuardo said:
Vorash Kadan said:
As long as this means they'll FINALLY be working on FF5 & FF6 remake for 3DS & even put the KH HD remixes & Final Fantasy Versus XIII on the Wii U as well!! That'd be awesome & make this fan very VERY happy!!

I'm not sure why you keep holding onto that belief of Versus XIII coming to Wii U. It won't. Even KH HD won't come to Wii U.

Source please Azu.....source.

Common sense should be enough.

Azuardo said:
Vorash Kadan said:
Azuardo said:
Vorash Kadan said:
As long as this means they'll FINALLY be working on FF5 & FF6 remake for 3DS & even put the KH HD remixes & Final Fantasy Versus XIII on the Wii U as well!! That'd be awesome & make this fan very VERY happy!!

I'm not sure why you keep holding onto that belief of Versus XIII coming to Wii U. It won't. Even KH HD won't come to Wii U.

Source please Azu.....source.

Common sense should be enough.

If we followed that logic the Nintendo would never have been trumped by sony & the ps platforms wouldn't be doing as pathetic as they have been. Again source please, I apologized for offending you & have been refraining from typing your "favorite" company a certain way that gets under your skin....don't make me not care what you think anymore & revert ok.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Since when do we need sources to prove when a game isn't coming to another platform when it hasn't been announced for said platform? May as well ask for a source that FFXIII won't come to Wii, it was never even mentioned.

In any case, VersusXIII has been toted as PS3 exclusive since the beginning, if it leaves exclusitivity which I doubt it will (not enough demand for it anymore) then they'd make more of a fuss about it.

And here's a huge digression about KH:

KH has a chance, but imo only because half of the KH games have been Nintendo exclusives. And because Square may be hesitant to release anything on PS3 is Sony is pressuring them to move development over to PS4. (because let's be honest, Sony would be hesitant to market KHII.5 for the PS3 if the PS4 is having a slow first year - it's a big title because everyone wants KHII and BBS in HD)

And, this goes both ways, but it's not like Square are strangers to releasing KH games "exclusively" on as many different platforms as possible. KHI.5 comes out on PS3? Good luck getting KHII.5 on the same system! (this is partially a joke, but at the rate they system-jump would anyone be surprised if II.5 turned up on the WiiU or PS4 and not PS3?)

EDIT: Vorash don't be ridiculous please. Plus, the only PS platform doing pathetically is the Vita, every other PS platform is doing very well.

( Edited 02.04.2013 19:20 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sorry no ps3 is still dead last between the 3 & with the ending of KH3D I'd be surprised if Square doesn't place HK3 AND the HD remakes on Nintendo's system as well. There's no reason NOT to that's for sure & you don't need common sense to tell you that.

Regardless my initial post was merely what I'd like to see happen, there for I see no real reason to make any kind of comment about it...unless I've somehow "offended" someone which is rediculus if I did.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Sorry no ps3 is still dead last between the 3 & with the ending of KH3D I'd be surprised if Square doesn't place HK3 AND the HD remakes on Nintendo's system as well. There's no reason NOT to that's for sure & you don't need common sense to tell you that.

PS3 isn't "dead" last, that'd be the Gamecube the gen prior. PS3 is pretty close with the 360 and still makes great successes plus still gets plentiful exclusives (unlike 360)

And yes, there's reason behind wanting KH on Nintendo systems.
But when it comes to reason, the KH team isn't one to listen. Once again, this is the series in which almost every key entry is on a different system to one another.

Regardless my initial post was merely what I'd like to see happen, there for I see no real reason to make any kind of comment about it...unless I've somehow "offended" someone which is rediculus if I did.

I'd like to see it happen too, but you don't gotta call people out for disagreeing with you. That's ridiculous.

( Edited 02.04.2013 19:33 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Vorash Kadan said:
If we followed that logic the Nintendo would never have been trumped by sony & the ps platforms wouldn't be doing as pathetic as they have been. Again source please, I apologized for offending you & have been refraining from typing your "favorite" company a certain way that gets under your skin....don't make me not care what you think anymore & revert ok.

If you're talking PS1 and PS2 era, Sony trumped Nintendo for obvious reasons. Third party support being a key factor. That's common sense. Interesting to hear you think you know my favourite games company, but kinda sad that you have to resort to childish fanboy behaviour because you can't seem to open your eyes to the obvious. It's not just me that your immature spellings of companies annoyed, but hey, feel free to embarrass yourself on the site again and risk being warned/banned for ignoring mod messages.

You certainly haven't offended me. I just find it absolutely baffling that, for someone that seems to know it all, you actually believe Versus XIII would end up on Wii U, a console that is selling like cack. And off the back of Square Enix suffering huge losses and losing their CEO, too. Yeah, let's whack this hell-developed JRPG that is at risk of no one giving a crap about anymore onto Wii U. Common sense galore, there.

Good god you guys are reading into what you WANT to read from what I typed I see so let me clarify

ps3 being dead last between the 3 means between Wii 360 & ps3 of last gen.

Common sense is an incredibly vague & unreliable reason to post something which is why I requested a source post to backup what you said WON'T happen Azu. No one thought SOny would get past Nintendo (and for the first few months with the N64 it didn't) but again this proves that "common sense" is relative & cultural interests are always changing. I can & will remain optamistic that; at the very LEAST, the KH HD remakes & KH3 will be on Wii U. A version of them are subbosedly being considered for 360 as well as ps3/4 so yeah there's no reason in hell for Square NOT to put them on the Wii U as well esspecially considering all the side stories Nintendo has had for the series.

I am extatic that Deus Ex Human Revolution is getting an imrpoved port for Wii U & Square said they had severl AA titles coming to the system so no one can say what they might be. Final Fantasy 13 was a great dissapointment to me but Versus 13 looks promising & with ps3 again STILL being the minority system seller worldwide a port of this title wouldn't surprise me just like the regular 13 port to 360 could be seen a mile away.

( Edited 02.04.2013 20:15 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Good god you guys are reading into what you WANT to read from what I typed I see so let me clarify

ps3 being dead last between the 3 means between Wii 360 & ps3 of last gen.

I knew what you meant, I'm saying that "dead last" implies so far behind that the system would be considered a failure. It's anything but and it's practically neck and neck with the 360 and is currently dominating Japan's home console market.

Common sense is an incredibly vague & unreliable reason to post something which is why I requested a source post to backup what you said WON'T happen Azu. No one thought SOny would get past Nintendo (and for the first few months with the N64 it didn't) but again this proves that "common sense" is relative & cultural interests are always changing.

There is no source saying VersusXIII won't be on WiiU, but there's also no need for such a thing to exist. While "common sense" is indeed vague, it's.. more or less true in this scenario. Do you need a source to "proove" any game won't be coming to a said platform, or can you just figure it out for yourself given what we know? VersusXIII has always been toted as PS3 exclusive. It's not a company's job to say "it's exclusive and it's also not coming to Wii or 360 or PSP or DS or WiiU or Vita or Android or iOS or Ouya". They can say "it's coming to this and that".

Given the game's history, the fact that Lightning Returns (a cheap game reusing cheap assets) is not coming to WiiU, and the fact it's a PS3 exclusive, I would say that, at this point in time, VersusXIII not coming to WiiU is a certainty.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

"Dead last" would imply PS3 is at the bottom of the ladder, with 360 and Wii way above. I don't have figures but it's common knowledge that PS3 and 360 are level pegging, with reports that PS3 may have overtaken it (not sure if it was proven, but they're pretty much level). The Wii doesn't come into this situation because that is the console that is dying out quickly. It's sold more overall over the course of the generation, but right now the PS3 and 360 continue to sell and sell. Wii is dropping off fast and doesn't get games anymore, let alone even play in HD. So I'm not sure what the argument about the PS3/360/Wii is about, here. PS3 has 100% more chance of getting games than the Wii does.

I'm not saying you can't have hope for anything. I just think it's blind hope. I'll concede that there is an ever so slight chance of KH HD coming to Wii U, but I don't think it will. Why wouldn't they have made a 360 version, too, given the Western sales of that console? That said, the fact KH HD contains DS titles on it lets you hold hope that the PS2 titles could appear on a Nintendo platform in some form. I just think it's a very minute chance. It's the Versus XIII thing that you seem to be blind about. It's not going to happen. You're free to hold hope, but I can't understand what reason you have for thinking it will.

Pretty low to stoop to ignoring my warnings and purposely posting childish spellings, though. If this was a stricter site, you'd be banned by now. I can't be doing with this pettiness so please do yourself a favour and stop being immature. It's the fact you're doing it on purpose that puts you at risk of being banned, Vorash. Please grow up.

Azuardo said:
Why wouldn't they have made a 360 version, too, given the Western sales of that console? That said, the fact KH HD contains DS titles on it lets you hold hope that the PS2 titles could appear on a Nintendo platform in some form.

Simply, demographics. 360's userbase doesn't match the demographic of the KH series, it's a very high profile but child-friendly game that caters equally to RPG fans and Disney fans. The 360 doesn't really have an installbase for that stuff, whereas Sony and Nintendo's are perfect for it. My guess is that this is why so many KH games got exclusive releases on Nintendo systems but the series was never even considered for the XBOXes.

( Edited 02.04.2013 20:31 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Azuardo said:
Why wouldn't they have made a 360 version, too, given the Western sales of that console? That said, the fact KH HD contains DS titles on it lets you hold hope that the PS2 titles could appear on a Nintendo platform in some form.

Simply, demographics. 360's userbase doesn't match the demographic of the KH series, it's a very high profile but child-friendly game that caters equally to RPG fans and Disney fans. The 360 doesn't really have an installbase for that stuff, whereas Sony and Nintendo's are perfect for it. My guess is that this is why so many KH games got exclusive releases on Nintendo systems but were never even considered for the XBOXes.

Didn't quite cross my mind at first but very plausible.

Lol (guest) 02.04.2013#18


There are still more AAA titles set for the U Square has said, weither these are ports of older gems or new IPs who's to say. But if devs went by stereo type alone for what goes on what system then you'd never have smart devs who break the "norm" & do what is unexpected & impressive like what Itagaki did with Ninja gaiden Dragon Sword, Hironobu Skaguchi placing Last Story on Wii, the creator of Xenosaga placing Xenoblade & X on Nintendo's systems ect.

My point is third party devs can place whatever game on whatever system as long as there isn't a binding contract preventing them. Square has no contract to SOny therefore Versus 13 can be on other systems regardless of the statements previous Square employees have said regarding it's exclusivity & with the workforce being changed up it's quite possible since certain people were let go for poor business choices. Hopefully 13-3 sell out will be canceled & Square will realize they can get MORE $$$ by placing Versus 13 on more than one console. Even though I'll admit by definition "dead last" doesn't fit the ps3 it still shows that just about anything can happen in an industry of changing interests just like with what happened in the late 90's.

Kingdom Hearts has more of a chance than versus 13 I'll agree, especially when you look at the format of the KH series...to be honest I was surprised Square didn't have that series for Nintendo exclusively but hey stranger business decisions have happened in the industry I suppose.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Whilst there's no proof, it wouldn't surprise me if Sony were working with Square to ensure Versus XIII stayed PS3/4 exclusive, and turned out to be a good product. Sorry, but trying to get this game that has been through development hell running on Wii U does not scream easy money to me. And with SE the way it is right now, I don't think they even would take risks like that on a console that is selling like it is.

Wait, what? Hopefully LR:FF13 will be cancelled? Okay, that won't lose the company money, jesus. It's a quick and dirty romp, and will likely still earn them a quick little profit. When you start wishing for a game that's nearing completion to be cancelled, then saying porting Versus XIII to Wii U will make them more money, I can't take your comments seriously.

( Edited 02.04.2013 20:57 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
Whilst there's no proof, it wouldn't surprise me if Sony were working with Square to ensure Versus XIII stayed PS3/4 exclusive, and turned out to be a good product. Sorry, but trying to get this game that has been through development hell running on Wii U does not scream easy money to me. And with SE the way it is right now, I don't think they even would take risks like that on a console that is selling like it is.

Wait, what? Hopefully LR:FF13 will be cancelled? Okay, that won't lose the company money, jesus. It's a quick and dirty romp, and will likely still earn them a quick little profit. When you start wishing for a game that's nearing completion to be cancelled, then saying porting Versus XIII to Wii U will make them more money, I can't take your comments seriously.

Well I'm one for quality over low standard quantity which is why I am happy when devs release great titles like Ninja Gaiden DS, the Lufia remake, No More Heroes, Xenoblade Chronicles (a PRIME example of quality story, gameplay ext. being more influential than graphics) for the sake of sustaining quality entertainment in a sea awash of half assed cashins that fools willingly through their weeaboo $$$ at.

Is it business smart, probably no but it's definatly the right thing to do & yeah Square WOULD make more money on porting Versus 13 to other consoles than just leaving it on the ps3. I don't give a rats flying ass if Wii U gets any regular 13 or the FF7 remake (I'll take FF6 & 8 remade however) but it would be sweet to get Versus 13 since that seems like an impressive Final Fantasy.....which hasn't happened in QUITE some time.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

There could be any number of factors affecting VersusXIII's exclusitivity that none of us can pretend to know. Sony could have bought exclusitivity, or Square could have built it in such a way that it matches Sony's machines too well to be easily or cheaply ported. Without doubt, it's been an extremely expensive game and porting would only make that more expensive.

The WiiU will have a JRPG market someday, but it doesn't now. While making it WiiU exclusive would sell WiiUs, having it multiplatform would probably hurt more than heal. The game itself probably wouldn't sell enough either way and its userbase already owns PS3s.. so unless Nintendo pass some gold Square's way, releasing it on WiiU is not a financially viable option.

This is unfortunate cause I'd love to see the game on WiiU and would probably support that version over others, but Square are already in financial trouble, releasing an extremely expensive game on a console that isn't doing well is probably at the bottom of their priority list even if Sony didn't buy exclusitivity.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Okay, if that's what you believe, fair enough. My prediction is that Versus will be PS4 exclusive and titled FF15, anyway. If it is, I can't see them doing a down-port for Wii U.

If Versus did release only on PS3, would you not buy it because it's not on Wii U? What if it's PS4 exclusive - do you not plan to buy that eventually?

Azuardo said:
Okay, if that's what you believe, fair enough. My prediction is that Versus will be PS4 exclusive and titled FF15, anyway. If it is, I can't see them doing a down-port for Wii U.

If Versus did release only on PS3, would you not buy it because it's not on Wii U? What if it's PS4 exclusive - do you not plan to buy that eventually?

What you say about it being on the ps4 & renamed FFXV sounds very likely given the obscenely long development time this game has been under but I disagree with your "downgrade" excuse as to why it wouldn't go to the Wii U. The upgrade from ps360 to Durango/ps4 is alot like GameCube to Wii, it is a mild;  not as noticable upgrade so a Wii U port is VERY possible from a technical standpoint...esspecially since the ass hats at epic corrected themselves & said that U4 CAN run on the Wii U. As far as graphics are concerned AGAIN Nintendo fans don't NEED them to be the best of the best since we've been playing for so long we understand what truely matters in a game & have lived through enough gens to know that graphics will always get better so there's no point in focusing on them because in 8-10 years they won't look as good....I'm surprised you haven't caught onto this yet Azu.

Also as for why I wouldn't want it on ps3 that's not the case. My ps3 is busted, it won't take in discs & whenever it's on for more than 5 minutes if freezes & glitches out with blue pixels on the screen so I CAN'T play it on my ps3 & that's eating me up because I'm sitting on copies of Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Alice the Madness Returns, Dead Space 2 AND 3 as well as Deus Ex Human Revolution. At least Deus Ex is Wii U bound now so I don't have to worry about that (I also hope Bayonetta 2 does well enough to show Konami the demand needed to warrant Metal Gear Rizing to be ported to Wii U as well) and NO I will NOT be buying a ps4 until they confirm a version that will play ALL ps console titles. I've got my copy of Legend of Dragoon, FF8, Spyro, Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring, Time Crisis, Time Crisis 2 & a LOT of other ps titles that my current ps3 WOULD play when it worked.

I'm also not chump enough to over pay for a mere graphical boost when gameplay is still fundamentally the same, & if Epic keeps pushing graphic engines too far too fast THEY are gonna be the ones who ruin the industry. Doesn't matter how pretty a game looks, people gotta eat, get to work & pay for a roof over there heads first & I don't think anyone is going to pay $800 for a console OR $80-$120 for non collectors edition games.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I think any company could make a downport Wii U version of a PS4 game if they so wished. It's not so much that it would not be possible, more a case of I have no reason to believe that Square Enix would downport Versus XIII from PS4 to Wii U. I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm saying I do not see S-E doing that in the slightest given their financial circumstances, Wii U sales, time and effort, other factors, etc. Wish for it all you like, I do not see it happening in the slightest. I'll take it all back if I'm wrong but some things just make sense, you know?

The upgrade from ps360 to Durango/ps4 is alot like GameCube to Wii, it is a mild;  not as noticable upgrade

Okay, disagreed completely. Wii effectively was a GC, but with motion controls. You're telling me what we know of the PS4 is not a huge leap? It might not be a very huge leap visually to many people, but in terms of everything else, PS3 to PS4 is in no way GC to Wii. There was hardly a jump from GC to Wii in terms of anything apart from new controls.

As far as graphics are concerned AGAIN Nintendo fans don't NEED them to be the best of the best since we've been playing for so long we understand what truely matters in a game & have lived through enough gens to know that graphics will always get better so there's no point in focusing on them because in 8-10 years they won't look as good....I'm surprised you haven't caught onto this yet Azu

Where on earth did you pull that from? I haven't said anything of the sort. You said me and SL were only reading what we wanted to read earlier. Now this is exactly what you're doing. You seem to be fixated on bringing up the gameplay over graphics debate, but for what reason? Just about every single person that goes on gaming forums to talk about video games knows this, no matter how long they've been playing games. I don't see why you need to bring it up yet again in a discussion that is not even talking about it.

NO I will NOT be buying a ps4 until they confirm a version that will play ALL ps console titles
Your Wii U doesn't play GC discs or NES/SNES/N64 cartridges, either.

I'm also not chump enough to over pay for a mere graphical boost when gameplay is still fundamentally the same

Hm, I could say the same about the Wii U. Small graphical boost over what current gen offers for some games, but very little changes to gameplay and hardly any unique, original titles. You splashed out on that at launch, though.

I'm not ripping on the Wii U here, I'm just saying that your argument sounds a bit flawed because it goes both ways for both consoles. I'll personally get both consoles for the positives they'll provide, and not not buy them for their negatives.

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