Monster Hunter 4 3DS Playthrough, New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.03.2013 11

Monster Hunter 4 3DS Playthrough, New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Monster Hunter fans tucking into Ultimate on Wii U and 3DS, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto teases new footage of the next game.

In a play session with his assistant and Japanese celebrity Yoshinori Okada, Tsujimoto revealed new footage of the forthcoming Nintendo 3DS exclusive Monster Hunter 4 in action, plus a brief new trailer to top it all off.

The group take on a vicious beast known as Tigrex during the play session, showing how the jump attack works against the most fearsome of foes.


What are your thoughts on how Monster Hunter 4  is shaping up on the Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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I'm REALLY enjoying Monster Hunter Ultimate right now on my Wii U and I'll possibly pick up the 3DS version at some point, just so I can play with other friends that don't have Wii Us and to further support the series in general.

This is shaping up really nicely and I can't wait until I get my hands on it... in another 2 years. Capcom really needs to close the gap on translated versions of Monster Hunter games. Oh well, right now I'm still playing the heck out of Ultimate on Wii U. To G-Rank!

Mush said:
I'm REALLY enjoying Monster Hunter Ultimate right now on my Wii U and I'll possibly pick up the 3DS version at some point, just so I can play with other friends that don't have Wii Us and to further support the series in general.

This is shaping up really nicely and I can't wait until I get my hands on it... in another 2 years. Capcom really needs to close the gap on translated versions of Monster Hunter games. Oh well, right now I'm still playing the heck out of Ultimate on Wii U. To G-Rank!

Wait, can't you play with others on the 3DS version even if you're on the Wii U? Or is that just locally?

It's a pretty cool investment regardless. Just don't start a file on the 3DS if you already have one on the Wii U; it has to be empty before you can transfer to it.

I really hope they bring MH4 over here soon. Any word on how well MH3U has been doing overall? I saw it did pretty well in the UK, but hopefully if the response has been big everywhere Capcom will be motivated to get the game to other areas faster.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Mush said:
I'm REALLY enjoying Monster Hunter Ultimate right now on my Wii U and I'll possibly pick up the 3DS version at some point, just so I can play with other friends that don't have Wii Us and to further support the series in general.

This is shaping up really nicely and I can't wait until I get my hands on it... in another 2 years. Capcom really needs to close the gap on translated versions of Monster Hunter games. Oh well, right now I'm still playing the heck out of Ultimate on Wii U. To G-Rank!

Wait, can't you play with others on the 3DS version even if you're on the Wii U? Or is that just locally?

It's a pretty cool investment regardless. Just don't start a file on the 3DS if you already have one on the Wii U; it has to be empty before you can transfer to it.

I really hope they bring MH4 over here soon. Any word on how well MH3U has been doing overall? I saw it did pretty well in the UK, but hopefully if the response has been big everywhere Capcom will be motivated to get the game to other areas faster.

That's just locally. 3DS doesn't have online play, although you can use the Wii U with a LAN adaptor in some kind of ad-hoc mode. But the friends I have only have 3DS, no Wii U. So that wouldn't work. But yeah, up to 3 other people can connect to my Wii U with their 3DS version of MH3U and we can play together. Only works locally though.

Mush said:

That's just locally. 3DS doesn't have online play, although you can use the Wii U with a LAN adaptor in some kind of ad-hoc mode. But the friends I have only have 3DS, no Wii U. So that wouldn't work. But yeah, up to 3 other people can connect to my Wii U with their 3DS version of MH3U and we can play together. Only works locally though.

Ah, didn't know that. Pretty cool that it goes up to 4 people though. Game is great in general, I've put like 40 hours into it already and still haven't beaten it, and then there's always a ton of shit to do after you do beat it.

I also notice there's a big "DLC" area on the main menu, have they said anything about DLC, or is that there just to give me false hope?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Mush said:

That's just locally. 3DS doesn't have online play, although you can use the Wii U with a LAN adaptor in some kind of ad-hoc mode. But the friends I have only have 3DS, no Wii U. So that wouldn't work. But yeah, up to 3 other people can connect to my Wii U with their 3DS version of MH3U and we can play together. Only works locally though.

Ah, didn't know that. Pretty cool that it goes up to 4 people though. Game is great in general, I've put like 40 hours into it already and still haven't beaten it, and then there's always a ton of shit to do after you do beat it.

I also notice there's a big "DLC" area on the main menu, have they said anything about DLC, or is that there just to give me false hope?

40 hours isn't even halfway to beating it. I've played for 114 hours and, although a lot of that is farming stuff, I still haven't completed the story mode offline OR the Tanzia Port quests (online/local co-op).

Also, regarding the DLC button, if you actually press A on that, you'll find out more about the DLC. *Hint hint* But in all seriousness, that menu is there so you can download special Event and Challenge quests, with the Event Quests usually having a new weapon available to craft by using special tickets obtained in the quest rewards.

The Event Quests are released every Tuesday after the American launch of the game, so you still have a few to download right now. Smilie No Challenge Quests have been released yet, but I'm guessing they're like the Arena Quests already available in-game.

Do you have it on Wii U or 3DS?

( Edited 01.04.2013 18:26 by Mush )

Mush said:

40 hours isn't even halfway to beating it. I've played for 114 hours and, although a lot of that is farming stuff, I still haven't completed the story mode offline OR the Tanzia Port quests (online/local co-op).

Also, regarding the DLC button, if you actually press A on that, you'll find out more about the DLC. *Hint hint* But in all seriousness, that menu is there so you can download special Event and Challenge quests, with the Event Quests usually having a new weapon available to craft by using special tickets obtained in the quest rewards.

The Event Quests are released every Tuesday after the American launch of the game, so you still have a few to download right now. Smilie No Challenge Quests have been released yet, but I'm guessing they're like the Arena Quests already available in-game.

Do you have it on Wii U or 3DS?

Well, I'm at the part where I made some ancient mask and I'm supposed to fight something at the bottom of the ocean or something (never got this far when I had Tri on Wii haha). I've barely touched Tanzia too.

I had no idea about the weekly quest thing! I grew wary of pressing menu things I don't know the purpose of after I pressed "System Link" on Black Ops 2 and got stuck in an error-loading loop and had to unplug my Wii U to get it to stop Smilie

I have it on Wii U and 3DS.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Well, I'm at the part where I made some ancient mask and I'm supposed to fight something at the bottom of the ocean or something (never got this far when I had Tri on Wii haha). I've barely touched Tanzia too.

I had no idea about the weekly quest thing! I grew wary of pressing menu things I don't know the purpose of after I pressed "System Link" on Black Ops 2 and got stuck in an error-loading loop and had to unplug my Wii U to get it to stop Smilie

I have it on Wii U and 3DS.

Ah right, you have quite a bit more to go then! Smilie That was pretty much the end of Tri, but only the beginning of Ultimate!

When the game update comes out which allows for Off-TV play and cross-region multiplayer, we should do some Tanzia quests online. Shouldn't take too long to steamroll through the Low Rank quests, since you're probably doing most of your farming offline.

( Edited 02.04.2013 00:52 by Mush )

Mush said:

Ah right, you have quite a bit more to go then! Smilie That was pretty much the end of Tri, but only the beginning of Ultimate!

When the game update comes out which allows for Off-TV play and cross-region multiplayer, we should do some Tanzia quests online. Shouldn't take too long to steamroll through the Low Rank quests, since you're probably doing most of your farming offline.

Sounds good. Can someone with the 3DS play online if they're connected to someone else playing on the Wii U? Like if you and I are on Wii U and my sister is playing on the 3DS connected to my Wii U, would  she shw up in your game too? (Sorry for all the questions, I'm still sorting this stuff out lol)

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Mush said:

Ah right, you have quite a bit more to go then! Smilie That was pretty much the end of Tri, but only the beginning of Ultimate!

When the game update comes out which allows for Off-TV play and cross-region multiplayer, we should do some Tanzia quests online. Shouldn't take too long to steamroll through the Low Rank quests, since you're probably doing most of your farming offline.

Sounds good. Can someone with the 3DS play online if they're connected to someone else playing on the Wii U? Like if you and I are on Wii U and my sister is playing on the 3DS connected to my Wii U, would  she shw up in your game too? (Sorry for all the questions, I'm still sorting this stuff out lol)

Nope, when the 3DS is connected to the Wii U, the Wii U acts like the host 3DS and is restricted to local play. The only way to play the 3DS version online is to use that special app with the Wii LAN adaptor plugged into the Wii U, but this has to be the only app running on the Wii U. Eliminating the possibility of having both versions connect to the internet and play at the same time.

Mush said:
Nope, when the 3DS is connected to the Wii U, the Wii U acts like the host 3DS and is restricted to local play. The only way to play the 3DS version online is to use that special app with the Wii LAN adaptor plugged into the Wii U, but this has to be the only app running on the Wii U. Eliminating the possibility of having both versions connect to the internet and play at the same time.

Ah well. My sister has barely touched Monster Hunter anyway, she's neck-deep in Fire Emblem, haha.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Definatly looking forward to this one, I'll try to get 3 Ultimate sometime soon Mush & we'll play together after the update buddy.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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