Capcom have announced chunky new artwork books in association with publisher Udon, including Mega Man and Monster Hunter.
During the World of Capcom panel this week at PAX East, Udon confirmed that five new books are to be published, in English, in the second half of the year.

Alongside the non-Nintendo Asura's Wrath and Dragon's Dogma, there'll be:
Monster Hunter Illustrations 2
The essential artwork bible for any aspiring hunter, containing 400 pages with designs, weapons, monsters from the third generation titles - Monster Hunter Tri, Portable 3rd and Ultimate. It'll also be accompanied by the much sought reprint of the first book.
MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works
Capcom's mascot will receive a chunky book with 432 pages of artwork from the original Mega Man to Mega Man X, including concepts and designs from Mega Man 9 and 10, plus developer interviews and tribute art.
SF25: The Art of Street Fighter
It's been over twenty-five years of brawling, and Capcom are celebrating the ever-popular fighting series with a 448 page art book featuring the classics and new creations from the more recent Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter X Tekken.
There'll also be interviews with the development team and new tribute artwork from Akiman, Shinkiro, Hyung-tae Kim, Daisuke Ishiwatari.
Will you be grabbing old of any of these Capcom art books when released later this year?