Nintendo Loses 3DS Lawsuit, Fined $30.2 Million

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2013 3

Nintendo Loses 3DS Lawsuit, Fined $30.2 Million on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Inventor Seijiro Tomita has won a lawsuit against Nintendo for his patents and ideas for glasses-free 3D screens.

Tomita has been doing battle against Nintendo since 2011 and after much deliberation into what elements of the patent overlap Nintendo and Sharp's designs with the 3DS, a verdict has been ruled in Tomita's favour by a US jury.

The inventor had claimed that technology he developed and patented was used in the Nintendo 3DS without his consent or compensation. Both Nintendo and Tomita had met and discussed 3D technology in 2003, but the license inevitably went to electronics manufacturer Sharp.

The jury awarded Tomita a rather large sum of $30.2 million in compensatory damages.

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This news is a bummer. So I guess they paid him off and now they can keep making 3DS.

All hail the Chain Chomp at GS FORUMS!

Wow ouch....I guess Nintendo should've agreed to work with this guy officially after all. Well all companies have skeletons in their closet & I'm glad Nintendo's wrapsheet isn't as long as Sony's.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Darkflame (guest) 15.03.2013#3

Outrageously stupid.
Sharp sales the tech to Nintendo - they should pay if they didnt invent it.

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