The First Wii U NFC Title is Pokémon Rumble U

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2013 6

The First Wii U NFC Title is Pokémon Rumble U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are working on a handful of NFC related projects for Wii U, the first of which being Pokémon Rumble U.

The latest issue of Japanese magazine CoroCoro has new details on the upcoming Wii U eShop release, confirming NFC support via the GamePad.

The Wii U GamePad has a small near field sensor that allows objects, like toys and cards, to exchange data when pressed. In a similar way to Activision's Skylanders series, which has its own NFC reader, Pokémon Rumble U will allow players to use specially designed Pokémon figures with the game.

Each of these 200¥ (£1.50/$2) toys can be popped onto the NFC reader on the Wii U GamePad, imported to use in the game. They'll be available as six standard and one special edition figure alongside the game's release next month and can store training data/stats within them - think of these as a prettier, wireless memory cards.

Image for The First Wii U NFC Title is Pokémon Rumble U

The report also gave away a hint on the game's storyline, which involves the poor Pokémon toys falling into a river and having to find their way back to the toy shop, facing a horde of other toys and bosses along the way.

What do you think of the use of NFC Pokémon figures in Pokémon Rumble U?

Box art for Pokémon Rumble U








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at £1.50 a toy i'd buy them all for sure, but knowing how the UK works they will bump it up to like £3 or bundle them into packs of 3 and call it £8


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I'm a sucker for this kinda stuff.

welshwuff said:
at £1.50 a toy i'd buy them all for sure, but knowing how the UK works they will bump it up to like £3 or bundle them into packs of 3 and call it £8

Aye, £1.50's great but yep - probably wuill be £3/4 a pop here in the UK.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Unless it's just a really awesome coincidence, I like how they cost the same in Yen as regular Pokéballs cost in Pokédollars in the games. Smilie

Other than that, I don't really care about this. It's funny to see people freaking out over it, though, thinking you have to buy like all 649 Pokémon to use them in the game or whatever when there will be 7 toys at launch. If anything, this looks more like a little extra feature for people who will inevitably fall for it.

Methinks that there'll definitely be a lot more Poké-figures available, perhaps with a fully blown Pokémon Wii U at some point.

I know Nintendo shy away from home console Pokémon, but with the potential to flog figures and/or cards I think it's an inevitability and one that'll shift Wii U consoles. Looks like they're testing the water with this one -

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Methinks that there'll definitely be a lot more Poké-figures available, perhaps with a fully blown Pokémon Wii U at some point.

I know Nintendo shy away from home console Pokémon, but with the potential to flog figures and/or cards I think it's an inevitability and one that'll shift Wii U consoles. Looks like they're testing the water with this one -

But they could shift shit like this with the 3DS right? I thought they did all those AR cards? I personally think this is on par with microtransactions, if not worse...because unlike microtransactions these are an essential part of the game. Most of microtransactions usually are add ons.

kingdom (guest) 14.03.2013#6

I don't like this. At all.

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