Capcom Working on More Mega Man Merchandise

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.03.2013 1

Capcom Working on More Mega Man Merchandise on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an update on all things Mega Man, Capcom have teased a handful of other anniversary items to be revealed soon.

With the popular Mega Man 3 leaping onto the virtual console next week, followed by the subsequent releases each month - 4,5 and 6 - Capcom will also release digital versions of the classic Mega Man soundtracks online.

Alongside these Virtual Console Nintendo 3DS releases, the company are planning other merchandise to celebrate the life of the Blue Bomber.

There are also a few other items we're cooking up that aren't quite ready to be revealed, either because the deals aren't done or we don't have something specific to show. But the moment we do, it'll be right here.

Our Western efforts for MM25 continue all year. There will be more.

What other items are you hoping Capcom will produce to celebrate Mega Man?

Box art for Mega Man 3





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Mega Man stuff is always awesome, but why do they cancel so many Mega Man games? Cancel Legends 3 and the MMO. But hey! Here is some merchandise!

All hail the Chain Chomp at GS FORUMS!

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