F-Zero AX Uncovered on GameCube GX Version

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2013 13

F-Zero AX Uncovered on GameCube GX Version on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those wanting to relive the F-Zero arcade experience can unlock the game deep within the GameCube version via Action Replay.

Hackers curious about the 2003 F-Zero GX release on the GameCube were able to dig up the entire arcade experience on the disc. Back in the day when the arcade edition was in its prime, players were able to unlock arcade-only tracks by inserting a memory card in the arcade unit.

The process actually unlocked these tracks, already present on the GameCube discs. But now hackers have found that the entire AX edition can be unlocked, and played, using Action Replay codes (shown in spoiler tags below).


Unlock F-Zero AX (PAL edition)

Unlock F-Zero AX (NTSC edition)

Have you tried F-Zero AX in the arcades - will you unlock the experience on the GameCube?

Box art for F-Zero GX

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I saw an F-Zero AX arcade machine once, but I didn't have quarters or was in a hurry or something, so I didn't get to play it. At any rate, I definitely didn't have the foresight of bringing a memory card with on the off chance I'd come across this arcade machine.

Looks like I need to buy an Action Replay disc now.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I vaguely remember trying it at my local Sega Dome/World back in the day. Would love to be able to give it another go!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Crazy that this was discovered two console generations / 9.5 years later.

You can do it with a hacked Wii too.

Our member of the week

Phoenom said:
You can do it with a hacked Wii too.

Did you find a ocarina cheat file somewhere Shane? (Ocarina uses a more straightforward format for cheat codes than Action replay and I don't know how to convert them from one to the other).

Because I'd like to try it too Smilie.

( Edited 08.03.2013 10:31 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

So i know you can do unlock these tracks by completing all the cups on Master mode, but other than the game playing like an arcade (like time limits etc) are there any other differences?

RudyC3 said:
Phoenom said:
You can do it with a hacked Wii too.

Did you find a ocarina cheat file somewhere Shane? (Ocarina uses a more straightforward format for cheat codes than Action replay and I don't know how to convert them from one to the other).

Because I'd like to try it too Smilie.

Sorry, all I heard is that a homebrewed Wii uses Action Replay, wasn't aware there were any changes. I'm sure someone will pop up with a list eventually. Smilie

jb said:
I vaguely remember trying it at my local Sega Dome/World back in the day. Would love to be able to give it another go!

Yaohan Plaza?

It looks amazing upscaled.

RudyC3 said:
Phoenom said:
You can do it with a hacked Wii too.

Did you find a ocarina cheat file somewhere Shane? (Ocarina uses a more straightforward format for cheat codes than Action replay and I don't know how to convert them from one to the other).

Because I'd like to try it too Smilie.

Does this system support ALL GC games or only certain ones you can play on the Wii? Cause I'd LOVE to have my Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1&2 Plus as well as Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 hacked so I can access all the online content as well as boost drop rates for items & quicken level grinding for my characters. PLEASE tell me Ocarina DOES have codes supporting these 2 games & they have them for North American copies!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Our member of the week

After checking, it seems codes in Ocarina format for the AX mode don't exist yet *sigh*...

However, codes to activate stereoscopic 3D exist in this game, and are compatible with modern 3D displays Smilie. This is insane to think Nintendo was already on top of this stuff back in 2003.


Vorash Kadan said:
Does this system support ALL GC games or only certain ones you can play on the Wii? Cause I'd LOVE to have my Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1&2 Plus as well as Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 hacked so I can access all the online content as well as boost drop rates for items & quicken level grinding for my characters. PLEASE tell me Ocarina DOES have codes supporting these 2 games & they have them for North American copies!!

I think the "Plus" version of Phantasy Star has problems running under Dios Mios... Unless this has been fixed in the latest versions. A quick look tells me that codes for this game don't exist yet for Ocarina :


However if there's a way to convert existing Action Replay codes to the format Ocarina uses, you would perhaps create your own gct file yourself. This is deep stuff so I suggest you look into it yourself.

( Edited 08.03.2013 23:34 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

However, codes to activate stereoscopic 3D exist in this game, and are compatible with modern 3D displays Smilie. This is insane to think Nintendo was already on top of this stuff back in 2003.


My mind was blown by this, so I started researching it on the internet. It's my understanding that this is actually a clever hack, not a hidden feature Nintendo built in. If I understand it correctly, someone basically figured out how to mess with the camera coordinates and has it bouncing left and right a little bit, but really fast. So it simulates a 3D camera. Clever.


TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TAG said:
RudyC3 said:

However, codes to activate stereoscopic 3D exist in this game, and are compatible with modern 3D displays Smilie. This is insane to think Nintendo was already on top of this stuff back in 2003.


My mind was blown by this, so I started researching it on the internet. It's my understanding that this is actually a clever hack, not a hidden feature Nintendo built in. If I understand it correctly, someone basically figured out how to mess with the camera coordinates and has it bouncing left and right a little bit, but really fast. So it simulates a 3D camera. Clever.


Nintendo had been experimenting with 3D on the Gamecube with other games as well, such as Luigi's Mansion.

( Edited 09.03.2013 06:15 by Sonic_13 )

Our member of the week

Sonic_13 said:
Nintendo had been experimenting with 3D on the Gamecube with other games as well, such as Luigi's Mansion.

Yeah but reading between the lines of the explanation of the code on geckocodes and from what's said in the link TAG provided, it seems indeed Nintendo has nothing to do with it in this specific case. This makes sense since they claim it can be ported to any Wii or GC games... as long as it runs at 60FPS. It requires a steady framerate so that, every frame, the camera jumps left or right, resulting actually in a 30FPS stereo 3D game. a 30FPS game would in turn be cut down to only 15FPS, and so on, but that wouldn't remain pleasant to see in movement then.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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