TimeSplitters Returns in Crytek-Approved Fan Project

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.03.2013 7

TimeSplitters Returns in Crytek-Approved Fan Project on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Popular shooter TimeSplitters is returning in a fan-made project approved by original developers Crytek.

Known as TimeSplitters Rewind, the concept is being crafted by fans running the Timesplitters petition and will focus on the mulitplayer elements from the existing games - "Everything you loved about TimeSplitters - look and feel - will be there."

Instead of using existing assets, the Rewind  team are looking back at the past titles as reference, re-creating these with high resolution textures. Alongside the frantic multiplayer the series is known for, there will also be bots, mods and customisable content.

At the moment the TimeSplitters Rewind project is being put together by a group of 25 fans, with a demo planned for the end of the year.

More details can be found on Reddit.

Are you interested in the TimeSplitters Rewind fan project? Should Crytek revisit the series in a sequel or HD collection?

Box art for TimeSplitters 2

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The fact Crytek gave the go-ahead just makes me think they themselves won't bother making their own new game. I won't be able to play this with my terrible computers, either. Gutted.

Azuardo said:
The fact Crytek gave the go-ahead just makes me think they themselves won't bother making their own new game. I won't be able to play this with my terrible computers, either. Gutted.

I reckon Crytek will probably jump on-board if the project turns out to be successful and potentially try to license it somehow - tiny bit like how Capcom jumped in on Mega Man x Street Fighter.

Really need to revist TS2 with my btoher, good times!

( Edited 07.03.2013 13:53 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Perhaps, if it turns out decent enough. Still wouldn't make it to consoles, though, unfortunately.

timesplittersfan (guest) 07.03.2013#4

Verändert nicht das gameplay ! Damit meine ich, wie das man alle waffen tragen kann und das es nur eine geschwindigkeit gibt also nicht rennen und laufen wie in call of duty sondern nur eine geschwindigkeit und die sollte schnell sein wie in timesplitters und es sollte blutig sein.  

timesplittersfan (guest) 07.03.2013#5

englishChanged not the gameplay! By this I mean how you can wear all the weapons and that there only a speed so do not run and run like in call of duty but only a speed and it should be fast like in timesplitters and it should be bloody.spainInstead of using existing assets, the Rewind  team are looking back at the past titles as reference, re-creating these with high resolution textures. Alongside the frantic multiplayer the series is known for, there will also be bots, mods and customisable content.

timesplittersfan (guest) 07.03.2013#6

Oh mierda lo copiado correctamente en español aquí para texto en el modo de juego cambió a no Español! Con esto quiero decir cómo usted puede usar todas las armas y hay sólo una velocidad para no correr y correr como en call of duty pero sólo una velocidad y debería ser rápido como en timesplitters y sería sangrienta.

cobrahunter557 (guest) 26.03.2013#7

I have always loved the timesplitters series even though my friends didnt. I think this project is a great way to remind people how great the game is and why its better than CallOfDuty.

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