Nintendo Still Dabbling in Dual Wii U GamePads

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.03.2013 10

Nintendo Still Dabbling in Dual Wii U GamePads on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Alongside confirming that NFC projects are in development, Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto also discussed the prospect of using dual Wii U GamePad controllers at the same time.

The subject of multiple GamePads has come up multiple times since Nintendo first revealed the Wii U hardware but the current crop of games still utilise the single GamePad. Running two at once may have issues with performance, but it is something Nintendo are exploring and according to Miyamoto "are developing games that will have that capability".

The Wii U GamePad is also region locked, which could prove problematic when trying to purchase a second controller or play with a friend in another country.

Another issue is install base. Many households probably have a Wii Remote sitting nicely on a coffee table, yet GamePad hardware is still trying to make its mark in the living room. With that in mind "when we get closer to something that, an environment where everybody or a large majority of people would have two GamePads, that might be a time where we look at how we can leverage a system of that nature".

Do you think it's still neccessary to have games supporting more than one Wii U GamePad? What Nintendo franchises do you feel can take advantage of this?

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I really want a dual-GamePad Madden!

Allowing each person to pick their own plays in secret would be awesome.

It's also a situation in which performance wouldn't be an issue:
1) Picking plays is not graphics heavy and frame rate really doesn't matter
2) Picking plays happens between the action.

Pokémom Stadium - team selection - get in!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Just a thought: I wonder if Nintendo would ever release software that uses multiple Game Pads...but no TV

advance wars xD

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

Don't bother if it results in worse graphics, Nintendo.


Wii U Play, any excuse for Nintendo to churn out yet another crappy mini-game colection, that hogs the charts for the consoles entire life and sells 30m copies worldwide in the process.

( Edited 06.03.2013 18:14 by Linkyshinks )

Way to go nintendo, lets make a small market even smaller. Seriously stop shooting yourselves in the feet.

JayUK said:
Way to go nintendo, lets make a small market even smaller. Seriously stop shooting yourselves in the feet.

Huh? How is considering the idea of possibly allowing two Game Pads shooting themselves in the feet?

Sonic_13 said:
JayUK said:
Way to go nintendo, lets make a small market even smaller. Seriously stop shooting yourselves in the feet.

Huh? How is considering the idea of possibly allowing two Game Pads shooting themselves in the feet?

have you seen how much gamepads cost, they're wasting time and money on something less than 1% of Wii U users will ever take advantage of.

JayUK said:
Sonic_13 said:
JayUK said:
Way to go nintendo, lets make a small market even smaller. Seriously stop shooting yourselves in the feet.

Huh? How is considering the idea of possibly allowing two Game Pads shooting themselves in the feet?

have you seen how much gamepads cost, they're wasting time and money on something less than 1% of Wii U users will ever take advantage of.

The price will come down over time, but it's likely geared more towards the idea of bringing your Game Pad to your friend's house.

Linkyshinks said:
Wii U Play

Please, please, please, Nintendo, - whether it is part of a new Wii U Play or stand alone - make another tanks game!

While the other games in Wii Play weren't anything special, Tanks was incredible fun.

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