Alongside confirming that NFC projects are in development, Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto also discussed the prospect of using dual Wii U GamePad controllers at the same time.
The subject of multiple GamePads has come up multiple times since Nintendo first revealed the Wii U hardware but the current crop of games still utilise the single GamePad. Running two at once may have issues with performance, but it is something Nintendo are exploring and according to Miyamoto "are developing games that will have that capability".
The Wii U GamePad is also region locked, which could prove problematic when trying to purchase a second controller or play with a friend in another country.
Another issue is install base. Many households probably have a Wii Remote sitting nicely on a coffee table, yet GamePad hardware is still trying to make its mark in the living room. With that in mind "when we get closer to something that, an environment where everybody or a large majority of people would have two GamePads, that might be a time where we look at how we can leverage a system of that nature".
Do you think it's still neccessary to have games supporting more than one Wii U GamePad? What Nintendo franchises do you feel can take advantage of this?