A Look AiRace Speed 3DS Concept Artwork

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.03.2013

A Look AiRace Speed 3DS Concept Artwork on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

QuibicGames has launched the official website for upcoming Nintendo 3DS eShop racer AiRace Speed.

The third game in the increasingly popular series, Speed, will be available on Nintendo 3DS alongside Apple iOS. Gameplay is said to be similar to previous AiRace entries, but "much bigger and more sophisticated" with additional gameplay mechanics that go beyond piloting your craft.

Complex levels, shortcuts, obstacles and speed boosts are just some of the additions to AiRace Speed, together with online leader-boards.

The blog also has nifty pieces of concept art describing the ship designs and level structures.

Image for A Look AiRace Speed 3DS Concept Artwork
Image for A Look AiRace Speed 3DS Concept Artwork

What do you think of AiRace Speed -  have you played the previous titles on DSiWare?

Box art for AiRace Speed








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