Ubisoft Hopes for Improved Wii U Performance

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.03.2013 4

Ubisoft Hopes for Improved Wii U Performance on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As one of the Wii U's biggest supporters, Ubisoft has praised the console but does hope sales will improve.

The publisher has already released a handful of games for Nintendo's new home console including the exclusive ZombiU alongside Assassin's Creed 3, Just Dance 4 and Rabbids Land.

Previously Wii U exclusive Rayman Legends became a multiplatform affair last month, but Wii U owners will still have a slight head-start on a portion of the game.

Despite missing out on a significant number of key multiplatform releases this year, the company recently added Watch Dogs to the Wii U roster, but Yves Guillemot just hopes for the user-base to grow and of course that's down to Nintendo.

Speaking to MCV this week Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot reiterated the publisher's commitment to Nintendo - "We think Wii U is a great machine. But it just has to sell more".

How can Nintendo turn Wii U sales around to boost third party support for the system?

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Darkflame (guest) 03.03.2013#1

Meanwhile, Wii-U owners hope for improved Ubisoft performance.

It's hard to get sales of software and hardware when the big media outlets keep trashing it. I remember the exact same thing happened with the Dreamcast.

Sales will improve with the launches of the delayed launch/launch window titles. Wii Fit U, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover and Game & Wario should all shift units. And then you've got the possibility of a price cut in October/November before the launches of the PS4 and 720 combined with the launches of 2 out of 4 of Mario 3D, Mario Kart, X and Retro's new game.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Wii U has an installed userbase of between 10 and 15m before the end of the year.

Ubisoft has praised the console but does hope sales will improve.

It helps when big developers don't delay finished games and port them to other systems.

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