Activision Unhappy with Support from Nintendo Fans?

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.03.2013 14

Activision Unhappy with Support from Nintendo Fans? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: It's come to our attention that the supposed "Calvin Hall" is not a genuine person and as such, this story is in fact not a legitimate one. We apologise for this misinformed information.


A representative for one of Activision's studios has spoken out about how the publisher perceives Wii U buying habits.

Third party efforts have been a concern for Nintendo home consoles in recent years, absent or delayed versions that may not sell as well as expected.

Indie game designer Calvin Hall attended the D.I.C.E summit last month where he spoke to a staff member who works on Activision published titles, revealing that Activision may not have been too chuffed about the Wii U Call of Duty Black Ops 2 sales, but will still maintain support for Nintendo's platform.

The rep, who doesn't speak officially for Activision, also described how despite Wii U owners having the "best version of Blops 2 with Off TV features" there were concerns that "Nintendo fans didn't support it".

It's easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it's time to open their wallets, they'll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros U instead.

Finally, the source suggested that amongst the development community there is "just no enthusiasm for it. The only reason publishers are still going to bring games to Wii U is because they don't want to damage their relationship with Nintendo."

Thanks Emily Rogers.

What do you think of these comments - are you supporting third party games on Nintendo Wii U and are you happy with the line-up so far?

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There may be a lot of truth this claim, I suspect there is. I'd like to see the ratio between signings on the petition, to actual sales of all the titles requested as part of Operation Rainfall. I bet there's a major discrepancy between the two...

Thing is a lot of fans want certain titles from publishers on the Wii U because they would have the potential to raise the profile of the system; but may not necessarily convert into a buyer for those games.

I supported CoD on Wii U, but not really my kind of game so I haven't purchased it - just hoped these sorts of games will draw in the traditional audience Nintendo have lost along the way. Still, I can understand third party frustrations as the Wii U is barely being promoted anywhere = low user base.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Then maybe Activision should actually start supporting their Nintendo ports. Look at Black Ops 2, the Wii U gets patches weeks to a month after the other versions and no DLC even announced yet, why the hell wouldn't someone buy Mario instead and get Black Ops elsewhere? Most people have a Nintendo console and at least one competitor console, if Activision keeps making shit ports for Nintendo, of course the sales are going to suffer. It's a self-inflicted wound, and Activision isn't going to mend it by blaming their userbase.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Linkyshinks said:
There may be a lot of truth this claim, I suspect there is. I'd like to see the ratio between signings on the petition, to actual sales of all the titles requested as part of Operation Rainfall. I bet there's a major discrepancy between the two...

I can't give you exact numbers, but Xenoblade is pretty much impossible to find in America. You can sometimes see it used somewhere, but new copies don't exist. They made a very small batch and they sold pretty much every one. If you want a factory-sealed copy from ebay it's like $200. The game was a Gamestop exclusive game and the store no longer carries it online in new or used form (some stores have copies if someone sells to that particular store, but that's about it).

Learned this the hard way since I rented it through Gamefly, thought "this is awesome, I'll just by it instead" and mailed it back, then found out the game is basically a phantom.

The Last Story is easier to find, Pandora's Tower isn't out yet. But I would imagine sales must have been at least decent, since they did the first two first and then Pandora's Tower much later, suggesting sales of the first two convinced them Pandora's Tower would be marketable.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
The Last Story is easier to find, Pandora's Tower isn't out yet. But I would imagine sales must have been at least decent, since they did the first two first and then Pandora's Tower much later, suggesting sales of the first two convinced them Pandora's Tower would be marketable.

I'd like to add to this that The Last Story is Xseed's most successful to date and following that they made another, cheaper shipment of the game after the launch copies sold out (that should be the reason why it's easier to find) and also picked up Pandora's Tower. Nintendo published Xenoblade and not Xseed, so that's another story.

justonesp00lturn said:
Then maybe Activision should actually start supporting their Nintendo ports. Look at Black Ops 2, the Wii U gets patches weeks to a month after the other versions and no DLC even announced yet, why the hell wouldn't someone buy Mario instead and get Black Ops elsewhere? Most people have a Nintendo console and at least one competitor console, if Activision keeps making shit ports for Nintendo, of course the sales are going to suffer. It's a self-inflicted wound, and Activision isn't going to mend it by blaming their userbase.

The fact that the Wii U gets patches at all should be enough support, compared to unpatchable Wii games. Treyarch and Activision have been supporting the 360 (especially this), the PS3 and PC for years now, so obviously they're going to take priorities over those with the biggest install bases.

Activision didn't make the "shit" port, Treyarch handled the development and I have played it for 100+ hours. So I can assure you, that it isn't a "shit port".

As for the DLC malarkey, you can blame Activision all you want. I think Treyarch really want to give Wii U owners DLC, but they're being held back by the men in suits. If there's one thing Activision needs to listen to, it's fan criticism. I know a lot of people in the BO2 Wii U community and if you ask all of them, they REALLY want the DLC.

Do us a favour, Activision... give us DLC.

( Edited 02.03.2013 15:11 by Mush )

justonesp00lturn said:
The Last Story is easier to find, Pandora's Tower isn't out yet.
Speaking of which: I noticed Xenoblade, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are all going for €20 here in Holland.
If anyone's interested, those are the prices of Bart Smit. Xenoblade Chronicles is sold on the webshop, those other 2 I saw lying in a store.

Too bad I don't like JRPGs enough to spend my precious time on it.

Mush said:

The fact that the Wii U gets patches at all should be enough support, compared to unpatchable Wii games. Treyarch and Activision have been supporting the 360 (especially this), the PS3 and PC for years now, so obviously they're going to take priorities over those with the biggest install bases.

Activision didn't make the "shit" port, Treyarch handled the development and I have played it for 100+ hours. So I can assure you, that it isn't a "shit port".

As for the DLC malarkey, you can blame Activision all you want. I think Treyarch really want to give Wii U owners DLC, but they're being held back by the men in suits. If there's one thing Activision needs to listen to, it's fan criticism. I know a lot of people in the BO2 Wii U community and if you ask all of them, they REALLY want the DLC.

Do us a favour, Activision... give us DLC.

When I said "shit port" I didn't mean the game itself is bad (I have no problems with it, and I actually played it with you a few weeks ago), but that it isn't kept up like the others. Slow or nonexistent patches and six months of "we can release DLC!" followed by no confirmation of DLC of any kind makes the Wii U version the worst, despite the fact that it's more than capable of playing exactly the same as the other ports (and even better in some areas). Basically, what I'm trying to say is the Wii U version of BO2 is the worst because Activision is making it the worst.

But I agree that allowing patches as hotfixes at all is a massive step up. Unfortunately, the last two in a row had problems with the Wii U version (one accidentally claiming we'd be getting DLC, another supposedly caused animation glitches, though I haven't seen any myself). So the Wii U gets them slower and then sometimes they don't work right. Activision keeps dropping the ball, it's offensive that they blame their customers for poor sales when they're offering poor service.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
Zeldarocks (guest) 02.03.2013#9

Am picking up cod,monster hunter,nfs and sonic racing this month.The problem is people in general or won't go out buy wii u don't know the third party developers are supporting the console they think it's like the wii were there's more child friendly games.I was only speaking to someone who normally as a playstation they were saying there's just child games on nintendo console,I corrected them pointed out the wii u as cod,Assassins cread 3 and 4 soon,mass effect,darksiders and were getting watch dogs they were shocked to say the least.Nintendo need to start advertising wii u more with the likes of cod,assassin's cread as well as nintendo land and mario.

If Nintendo wants publishers to take them more seriously & have third party games sell better then they NEED to be more agressive with gaining the ps360 fanbase & taking those players away from MS & Sony (for you Azuardo Smilie) since players like me who are open minded but have high taste in what games we play will support third parties & they're games....just not CoD since I'm morally againts what that game has done to the industry. I'll be picking up watch dogs AND MGS Rising once a Wii U port has been confirmed but military run & gun shooters are just a dead genre to me...even with the RPG level up elements included in them now.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

If sales are poor, drop the price and people will buy the game. I personally am looking forward to get Black Ops 2 on Wii U very soon after I finish Mass Effect 3

Nintendo Fans Unhappy with Support from Activision

Fixed the headline. Give us Nuketown and our DLC!

It's easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it's time to open their wallets, they'll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros U instead.

I think the exact same thing could be said about developers. They talk about how they bring ports to Nintendo, but how many of them give the Nintenso version full support like the other versions? It has gotten better with Wii U's launch with games like Assassin'd Creed and Batman.

However, it seems ironic that Activision Is complaining when Black Ops II certainly isn't on that list.

They released the worst version and expect to sell, there are not dlc for it.
When playing multiplayer it lags, 30 fps what?
what activision expects? still it looks better than the ps3 version

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

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