GDC Developer Poll Reveals Low US Nintendo Wii U Turnout

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.03.2013 2

GDC Developer Poll Reveals Low US Nintendo Wii U Turnout on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Earlier this week a poll for North American developers revealed a low turnout  for Wii U development.

GDC organisers asked over 2,500 North American developers who attended GDC 2012 or who will attend this year's conference into their development plans.

Whilst studios outside North America, particularly in the UK and Japan, are working on Wii U projects, the poll revealed a tiny 4.6% of developers working on Nintendo's system based in the US.

13.2% are working on Xbox 360 projects, 14% upcoming titles for the system. On the Sony side, 13% are working on PlayStation 3 projects, whilst 12.4% have future PS3 games in the calendar.

Over 50% of those surveyed were indie studios.

GDC 2013 takes place March 25th - 29th 2013.

What do you think of the Nintendo Wii U development situation in North America?

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Paladinrja (guest) 02.03.2013#1

Why ask us? Ask the publishers particularily EA.
Even a cursory endevour in investigative reporting will reveal that the devs don't have a choice in the matter, but they can't assert that @ a GDC. Why don't games reporting expose this?

for you to you these don't inlude the japanese developers just those that make phone games that them are countless

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

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