Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more!

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.02.2013

Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Japan today presented a Nintendo Direct video outing a handful of upcoming third party Nintendo 3DS releases including Tomodachi Collection, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies and Monster Hunter 4.

Incase you missed it, here's a chance to watch Nintendo president Satoru Iwata in Mii form, plus a recap of all the new 3DS games and trailers shown.


Iwata introduces a Mii World

Nintendo announced Tomodachi Collection for Nintendo 3DS, a simulation game where players interact with fellow Miis and includes StreetPass and SpotPass functionality.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more!

Two more treats for Zelda Fans

Zelda fans can experience two classics on Nintendo 3DS, with The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages confirmed for the 3DS Virtual Console on February 27th in Japan.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more!

The Professor Layton world tour

A new trailer Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies was shown, revolving around a mystery solving world tour with various different locations and a vibrant new cast of characters.  The story doesn't stop there, with daily DLC puzzles for the upcoming year. Azran Legacies is due 28th February in Japan.

Fight Demons on your Nintendo 3DS

Shin Megami Tensei IV was revealed during the conference, featuring over 400 types of devious demons and a new cast. The game is due out 23rd May in Japan.

Dragon Ball Teleports from Arcades to 3DS

The popular arcade game, Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission, is receiving a 3DS port with additional modes - a single and multiplayer campaign - with all the content from the coin-operated release. There's also rumblings of a "scouter reader" feature. Vegeta would be most proud!

Image for Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more!

New Nintendo 3DS Trailers

Nintendo also showed new trailers for Ghost World Watch, Super Robot Wars UX and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate were shown.

Guild 02 Exclusive for Nintendo eShop

The second collection of smaller 3DS titles from various developers, Guild 02, will be hitting the eShop exclusively and won't be released as a retail package.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more!

Meaty update for Monster Hunters

Nintendo also took the time to update fans on the latest Monster Hunter nuggets, including Monster Hunter Tri G online features being incorporated using a Wii U adapter. Capcom also revealed the latest footage from Monster Hunter 4, available this Summer.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Direct Japan 21/02 Recap and Poll - Zelda, Professor Layton and more!

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