First Snaps of Pokémon Rumble U on Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2013 6

First Snaps of Pokémon Rumble U on Nintendo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pokémon are entering the world of high-definition with Pokémon Rumble U. See the first screens of the game in action from Nintendo.

Your favourite critters, all 649 of them, will duke it out once again in the digital ring as wind up toys. Take on the likes of Pikachu, Charizard, Piplup, Lucario and many more against a legion of other Pokémon who wish to stop you in your tracks.

Like the previous games, Pokémon Rumble U supports up to four players on the same screen at one time, plus with the added power on Nintendo Wii U, can display up to 100 Pokémon on the screen at one time. A scary amount of Pikachu indeed!

The official Japanese site launched today, with our first glimpse of the game in action through adorable stills:

Image for First Snaps of Pokémon Rumble U on Nintendo Wii U
Image for First Snaps of Pokémon Rumble U on Nintendo Wii U
Image for First Snaps of Pokémon Rumble U on Nintendo Wii U

What do you think of Pokémon Rumble U so far - will you be battling with your favourite critters on Nintendo Wii U?

Box art for Pokémon Rumble U








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Nice visuals.

yeaaah looks cute. i might be game for this one.

Would it HURT Nintendo to do a REALISTIC/GAMEPLAY-centric Poemon title aptly named... Pokemon? I mean, I love me some 'tendo but I know their awesome gameplay with REALISTIC graphics would make a lot of developers look lazy (in a sense). All the cute graphics should be laid to rest ... or minimized at least. Just a rant, sorry.

JudgeMethos said:
Would it HURT Nintendo to do a REALISTIC/GAMEPLAY-centric Poemon title aptly named... Pokemon? I mean, I love me some 'tendo but I know their awesome gameplay with REALISTIC graphics would make a lot of developers look lazy (in a sense). All the cute graphics should be laid to rest ... or minimized at least. Just a rant, sorry.

Wait what? This is a spin off and the Pokemon are meant to be toys, and Pokemon's never been realistic and never should be.

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JudgeMethos said:
Would it HURT Nintendo to do a REALISTIC/GAMEPLAY-centric Poemon title aptly named... Pokemon? I mean, I love me some 'tendo but I know their awesome gameplay with REALISTIC graphics would make a lot of developers look lazy (in a sense). All the cute graphics should be laid to rest ... or minimized at least. Just a rant, sorry.

You want realistic Pokemon? Would you like to see the creepy face of a realistic Drowzee? Jinx? You want to see Munna eating dreams? If its realistic, you want to see Pokemon with wounds also? If its realistic you'd see cuts, blood, lifeless fainted Pokemon, see a Pokemon sink its fangs into another? Pokemon a cute game that has non disturbing gameplay safe for young children, and will always be. You want realistic monsters, try Monster Hunter.


Everytime I hear about a Pokemon game for Nintendo console I get excited for about 5 seconds and then I see the graphics and then this Smilie ... 
Why cant Nintey/GameSoft/PokemonCompany make a Proper Pokemon game for a console or MMO .. That would just Kill any other MMO that has even come before it!!! 

I dont understand why is it so hard... C'mon!!! How many years have fans been asking for a POKEMON game for consoles...! 


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